Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites.


It's soo good to see you writing on here again! 
As for you starting your own blog, I love that idea! I have a blog with Tumblr :)

But those drawings are very nice! Be sure to post any pictures you draw, I'm sure our followers will enjoy them too!
I think we have followers. 
I could be wrong.

I know there is going to be a Walking Dead marathon today..I think.
As you can see, I think a lot. But I don't actually know. hahah

Anyways, I hope the two of you have an excellent new year!


Thursday, September 12, 2013

When All Else Fails, Google B*tch...

So I decided to Google random things in my CIS class today.
I've been thinking of how I would draw a picture of my sister all day.
So I wanted a little inspiration.
Turns out I found a pile of pictures that I fell in love with!
(I want to be kissed like that one day!)
It got me thinking about how I want to start writing again.
Maybe even start my own blog, it could be all about the story I create.
Then whoever follows it follows it.
It would be meant purely for my creative enjoyment.
Not to get published, be critiqued, or anything.
Just out there.
It could be fun.
So yes, I suggest totally just Googling things randomly.
Everything I found today was under, Tumblr Drawing Art.
Have fun world!

Friday, August 2, 2013

Smart Phones and Dumb People:

Hello my lovelies... :]

I can't believe it's been over a year since any of us have posted on here. Incredible

I just downloaded the Blogger app, which means...Expect to see more of me on here! ;D 

And hopefully more of you two, eventually...Seeing as you both have smart phones too! 

*elbow nudge* Download the app!

I'd say insert a cheers here, but I'm sure clinking our iPhones together would be more disastrous than celebratory! Get it? 


Ok, I'm off to finish the 1st season of Walking Dead with my sister...

Much. Love. 



Monday, November 5, 2012

The Perks of Being a Wallflower.

What does this mean to you?
I have no experience with heartbreak or anything of the sort. Klemey, I am sorry to hear that your heart is bruised. I'm sure it will be mended and be restored back to its original bright coloring! :)
I've yet to fall in love with a human being. I'm happy to say I've fallen in love with other things. Sometimes people can't do that or understand it.

I love seeing you both on campus too! Just think, years ago we were in high school trying to figure out life and everything in it. Now look at us. We are close to conquering the world with our dedicated minds and hopeful souls!
I hope this semester is treating you ladies well. You deserve the best and brightest futures!
I may not spend as much time with you ladies as I used to, but honest to God, I think about you both every single day.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Never Have I Ever:

So I sincerely believe that no one should ever have to know what heartbreak feels like. It sucks. Completely. It's horrible, feeling rejected, no longer loved. That's what kills me the most, that the person you still want, still love in a way, no longer wants you in the way you're use to. It's horrible like I said. Knowing what it tastes like now, I never want to taste it again. Now I'm questioning, is the happiness you once felt worth the grief you're in now? I want to say yes it was worth it, but it hurts.

Ok, that's my take on heartbreak or well the closest I've felt to it. Don't worry, my heart's in perfect condition just a little bruised. It's just I've been thinking about this lately, the world over. People and their desires for love.

Anywhoosers, ta'ta for now!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Where's My Angel?:

Hi, hello!

Where's My Angel? by Metro Station is blasting through my
computer, traveling up my earphone cord, and lastly 
dancing into my lovely gauged ears.

I'm quite happy they existed at one point
in life, even if it was just for one summer.

I still love you Metro Pants!!!

For. Life.

Anyways, I love seeing you two on campus.
Haha, oh Angel...
You made my day by jumping over the
bench thing I was seated at.
It was nice talking to you

It was so natural.


I'll make more time on here later!
For a better post!

As always, sooooo much to tell...
But for now,
my love!


Wednesday, August 15, 2012

That's My Blog:

Hi, hello there... :]
Angel, I was surprised in the most loveliest way to see and read your post. It made me very happy, even if I'm reading it about 3 months later. Question: Did you reactivate your Facebook, then possibly deactivate it again? Haha, I can still never do that. Question #2: Are you back in town yet?!

I am! Decided to wisen up just a bit and go to UAA. I'm tired of making rash decisions, GBC falls under that in a way. It really came down to admitting I couldn't afford it. At least without taking a mass of loans out with private banks and such. Not down with that. So I'll settle with...the lesser of two evils, let's put it that way, when it comes to borrowing money.

I've registered for 3 classes and am on a wait list for a fourth. 

English, Math, and French. 

Communications is the last one I'm hoping I get.

I've been slacking on making an appointment with the advisor lady who was so helpful with figuring out which classes to choose. Need to cut that out. I also need to make my way to the financial aid place and discuss cost and payments!!! Pronto. School starts very very soon. 

Anyways, on to my Nevada trip!

It was...
Full of casinos.
Nice to see my grands.
A waste of my time.

Hahaha, yes it was a waste of my time. I could've, should've, been here working (two jobs preferably), planning for school, and dealing with my guys and best friend. Don't get me wrong, I don't regret it. I got a great tan, spent time with my grand parents, had time to reflect about a lot of things, decided to try Buddhism, and fell in love with my mom's coworker like only I can. ;P

Bet you the last part caught your attention... :]

Rai, you've seen this guy...At Denny's the night I got back. You asked if we were dating. No, we're not. I would if he asked but he doesn't date and in my own ways I prefer it that way. He's different then all the other guys in my life...But his mindset, his ways of life...I get it all, I understand him, he's like me in so many ways. I feel like he's me in about 4 years. 

He doesn't date, he has...ladies. Ladies he cares about in different ways I guess. I'm one of them. He's not sexual with all of them, I guess this may be a little hard to explain, everyone is different and special in their own way. 

He's funny, interesting, and great in his own way. He thinks he's incredibly f*cked up, I can't seem to convince him differently. Sigh, he's not.

He has changed my way of thoughts when it comes to guys in my life. If I think about it, I have...Guys. Guys that are special to me in different ways, all important to me. I'm not sexual with them all, have been with a few. He's on of them now, one of the main ones. 

It's definitely an interesting relationship, the kind that I can just sit and think about forever. I get into all the psychology behind it...but forever I must not spend typing about it. :P

On to other business!

Yes, Buddhism. My grandparents, mainly my grandfather, are Buddhist. It's such a positive, happy, practice to practice. It's all about being positive to attract positive. Again, everything it's about is what I'm about. And once again, I've been slacking on contacting the lady who's involved with it all down here. Shame on me, I know.

I feel like just over the past few months, I've done a lot of evolving as a person. I'm definitely trying to change into something, someone, who's more mature and happy I guess. Live life I guess. :]

We're all evolving aren't we? I like it. This Bennet Reunion must happen soon, I wish to see you both and how you've evolved. [:

But for now...Goodnight! I must learn to write posts when it isn't bedtime for sleepy Klemey. <3 font="font">



Wednesday, April 18, 2012

I won't give up

Wow it has been surely a long time since i have been on here.
it took me like three attempts to log in here. i was about to give up until i remembered our password:)
well now don't get too excited. you know me i can not write consistently but as the words of jason mraz says
"i wont give up on us, even if the skies get rough"
so i guess thank you klemy and rai for waiting for me to come around. i felt as if this is what you guys did
heres the jason style:
And when you're needing your space
To do some navigating
I'll be here patiently waiting
To see what you find

these lyrics are exactly what you guys did. and i want to thank you again.
i honestly did not think i was ever going to write here. I was being a complete idiot. so thank you for waiting patiently for me to come to my senses.
do you hear that world????
doo you seee it??????
a BENNET REUNION coming to you soon!
so Klemy i am so proud of you as well that your are following your dreams:]
and rai i admire your dedication to your new life:]
you guys are many of my inspirations to me!
well i guess i want to catch up, but i want to do it the right way. i want to have a bennet renuion with our t shirts:]
however i won't be able to do much until may 6. that is when i am officially done with exams.
so consider waiting for me another couple days??
i really do miss the good old bennet days.

i want to leave you with these lyrics:
I don't wanna be someone who walks away so easily
I'm here to stay and make the difference that I can make
Our differences they do a lot to teach us how to use
The tools and gifts we got yeah, we got a lot at stake
And in the end, you guys are still my friends at least we did intend
For us to work we didn't break, we didn't burn
We had to learn how to bend without the world caving in
I had to learn what I've got, and what I'm not
And who I am