Tuesday, April 26, 2011

So This Is It:

School is ending for us, well me and Angel, after next week.

Next week is gonna be slightly busy for me.

Friday- Senior Fun Day! xD

May 1st- Dad's Birthday.

May 4th- Grandma flys in from Las Vegas.

May 5th- Dentist Appointment.

May 6th- Cousin comes home from Montana and last official day of school.

May 9th- Graduation.

May 10th to may 13th- Potential dinner celebration of graduation and

homecoming party for my cousin.

Other Things That Need To Be Done:
*Make Up Government HW
*Take Late Econ. Test
*Take Late Gov. Test
*Finish Chap. 22 for Accounting
*Turn In Dance Worksheet
*Apply For Manager @ Dimond
*Do College Stuff

I wrote out my resume and letter of intent for Dimond last night.

Took me about two hours because I had to Google how to do all of it.

It was pretty simple but I still have my doubts about how good they are.

I really really want to do this.

It would be awesome to work somewhere new but still in a familar environment.

I am el mucho tired.


I have to watch this weeks episode!


But I'm in Accounting.

Things I Want Out of Life:

*A 1970's VolksWagon Beetle

*A Awesome Collection of Movies and Books


*Small Apartment for Myself

I'm gonna go calculate how much it would be to live in a small apartment

by myself.

Because that's really what I want.

I don't need a big fancy house, a husband, nice car.

I like simple little things.

Like Pizza Rolls and a movie on Friday nights.

I'm even wondering if college is the right choice for me.

I mean, I know everyone worries that they're doing the right thing.

But I don't think I have a real desire to go.

I don't wanna get into debt for something I don't want.

But College would help me in the future job-wise.

I also got to remember to...
*Write Good-Bye Letters
*Pick Up YearBook
*Bring $5 For Senior Fun Day

I don't know if it's hitting me yet that I'm almost done.
That I won't have to go there next year, East that is.
That I won't see all my friends on a 5 day a week basis.

Well, I'ma end this now 'cuz I'm super tired.




I work the night of Prom.

It was crazy how many people asked for it off, but I'm closing.

I know we sorta had make shift plans.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I was not DISAPPOINTED in you for dropping the class. I was just worried cuz you might have to take it again in college for the accounting degree, and college classes are more difficult than high school.

If there is anything I noticed first about college was what they expect from you.

You may or may not need this, but I've decided to make a little college guide based on my first year!

Rai's Survival Guide to UAA:

-Choose classes wisely.
Check your major planning sheets and meet with your advisor when you can. There is nothing worse than wasting time AND a load of money for a class that isn't even required. (This hasn't happened to me, but it just seems like the number one rule)
-Professors aren't as lenient as high school teachers.
In high school, give the attendance office a (possibly forged) note for why you missed 4th period and it's all good. In college, certain professors may not let you make-up tests or quizzes unless you have a legit doctor's note. And if they agree to reschedule your test/quiz, it very well may be during another class you have.
-Blackboard and internet access is KEY. About 99% of the professors post homework assignments, instructions, syllabi, grades, and other important information on blackboard.
-Time flies when you are having fun. So be careful when meeting/hanging out with other people. But trust me, I wouldn't have made it through first or second semester without the support and advice from my friends, so don't alienate them. Plus always remember "It's not what you know, it's who you know." Crazy I know. But that's just how this country works.
-Kiss your sleep schedule goodbye. You may think you can get to bed at a certain time every night, but you could be mistaken. A lot of people I know go to sleep between 12-2. Me, I go to bed around 4 and 5. Sad I know.
-Figure out if you are an early bird or a night prowler. Me, I'm a night prowler, which is why I don't mind night classes. I was born at night, I'm meant to be out when it's dark lol But my 10am class. Forget about it. Making that class is one of the hardest things I've ever had to do in my life. lol
-Think about how you schedule your classes. Your first year will always be a little test run. This entire year I had like 1 hour to 2 and a half hour blocks between classes. But I hated/hate it. I feel like the time in between is wasted and I could doing other things, but the gap isn't large enough to work or go volunteer (based on the bus schedule, once I get my license and a car, there will be no stopping me lol) But next Fall, I only have 2 days that have blocks, the others I'm gonna be working (hopefully)
-Think about the type of classes you like. To me, certain subjects such as Biology and Anthropology shouldn't be lecture classes, but they are. My russian class is more of a hands on, group-y type class. I enjoy that kind basically because it doesn't make me sleepy. OH, and depending on how you learn, certain classes could be awful. Like in biology, my grade only depended on little in-class attendance/quizzes and the midterm and final. I don't like classes like this because if you happen to do badly on it, oh well. That's it. But like with Russian and my accounting class, we have homework often, so I'm able to actually LEARN the material and apply in class. Plus there is more going towards your grade in those types of classes.
-College Myths:
There aren't a lot of parties like you see in the movies. Random people might have parties, but there is never someone spreading the news that there is a party of Josh's or Ashely's house. lol
If there are any parties, you have to be 21 and older. And yes, they actually ask you your age. Jaime got invited to a party once and asked if she was 21 and she said no and the guy said Nevermind. lol
To be honest...depending on the type of guy you like...there aren't that many "hot" ones. Most of them are either too into their studies, have girlfriends, or are old. It's the sad truth. But hey, you never know. You guys may find your future husband in this crowd.
-Hopefully I'll get to stay in the dorms next semester! That way I can tell you guys how it is. But I've been to them many times and they aren't so bad :) I'M SO EXCITEDDD
I turned in my housing application today! EEKK I just hope it all goes alright!

But yeah. If you guys have any other questions just holla at me.
Hopefully you guys registered either the night the classes opened or SOON.
Because seniors, juniors, and sophomores already chose classes and if you guys wait TOO long, the ones you want may be filled up :/
IN 3
AND YES THAT WAS THE WORD "NOW" IN 12 DIFFERENT LANGUAGES! guess which one is Russian ;)


Monday, April 11, 2011

Run Your Mouth:

So OMG! finally caught up on Glee!?!

Angel, I am calling you today after school!
We sooooo need to talk about what's gonna go down,
and hell what has gone down!

Please tell me you're caught up!

So, oh so, much to discuss!

I didn't go to sleep at all.
It's about 5:20am.
I got off around 1am and didn't feel like wasting my time by sleeping,
so I just stayed up and read Twilight.
Yep, Twilight.
I got to chapter 8.
That's was around 4am.
Then I washed my hair and got dressed.
Now I'm eating my cereal and FaceBookin'.

And listening to Glee songs.

Work was pretty good.
I had fun.
I mean nothing much happened,
but it was decent.

I'm gonna ask the librarian tomorrow
if it's okay if I chill in there during 2nd hour.
I don't know how to explain how relieving it is not to have
Pre-Calc. anymore.
I mean, Rai, I know you were disappointed in me for failing out
of it, but I am so much happier.

Artie is sooooo amazing!
So is Puck.
And Quinn is gorgeous.

Sorry, I'm still kinda on a Glee high.

We need to hangout you guys.
I have stories to tell.
Quite a few.

Well, gonna go...
And do something until the bus comes...
In like an hour.


Friday, April 8, 2011

Colbie Caillat.

Live at the Alaska State Fair
Monday, September 5, 2011
Rai has got the OK to go.
She will be front and center.