Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites.


It's soo good to see you writing on here again! 
As for you starting your own blog, I love that idea! I have a blog with Tumblr :)

But those drawings are very nice! Be sure to post any pictures you draw, I'm sure our followers will enjoy them too!
I think we have followers. 
I could be wrong.

I know there is going to be a Walking Dead marathon today..I think.
As you can see, I think a lot. But I don't actually know. hahah

Anyways, I hope the two of you have an excellent new year!


Thursday, September 12, 2013

When All Else Fails, Google B*tch...

So I decided to Google random things in my CIS class today.
I've been thinking of how I would draw a picture of my sister all day.
So I wanted a little inspiration.
Turns out I found a pile of pictures that I fell in love with!
(I want to be kissed like that one day!)
It got me thinking about how I want to start writing again.
Maybe even start my own blog, it could be all about the story I create.
Then whoever follows it follows it.
It would be meant purely for my creative enjoyment.
Not to get published, be critiqued, or anything.
Just out there.
It could be fun.
So yes, I suggest totally just Googling things randomly.
Everything I found today was under, Tumblr Drawing Art.
Have fun world!

Friday, August 2, 2013

Smart Phones and Dumb People:

Hello my lovelies... :]

I can't believe it's been over a year since any of us have posted on here. Incredible

I just downloaded the Blogger app, which means...Expect to see more of me on here! ;D 

And hopefully more of you two, eventually...Seeing as you both have smart phones too! 

*elbow nudge* Download the app!

I'd say insert a cheers here, but I'm sure clinking our iPhones together would be more disastrous than celebratory! Get it? 


Ok, I'm off to finish the 1st season of Walking Dead with my sister...

Much. Love. 

