Monday, February 28, 2011

Double Correction.

There will be no wedding. Melody needs to take summer school classes and she will need to save her money for that. :/
But at least she said we can have a girls night out.
I'm kinda bummed. She was really excited about it :(
But Klemey, that is cool that you are going to Oregon! Weddings are always nice!
Angel, I will always be a full time student, it looks better and scholarship chances are higher.
But full time is 12 credits that is about 4 classes (if they are 3 credits each)
But I was thinking of going to Cali ;)
Klemey, I'm thinking of working at Totem or Tikahtnu until I can find a different job...but that's assuming I get THAT job. Melody is gonna try and do YEP again this summer. I'm gonna send out a letter to local businesses telling them that I am interested in volunteering in their offices, not necessarily looking for an internship or a job.
I'm also gonna continue to volunteer at the food bank and maybe try volunteering at the library :) Since I love books and I plan to read TONS this summer.
But other than working, volunteering, and studying, I'm going to RELAXXX!
Klemey, I personally don't think you should join the National Guard, but it is up to you. I value your health, safety, and life and I'd rather you stay here in AK and let men do that job. Sexist I know, but a part of me still thinks men should do the dirty work and women should stay home and watch the Food Network. ;)
But overall, it's your decision and whatever you choose I will support you!

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