Monday, November 1, 2010

So I just realized something...

you know how you both didn't have cell phones for a while?
And how you guys don't have laptops?
Well I just watched a documentary about technology for my english class and I noticed what it is doing to us.
Sure it's great for classes and other things, but it takes up a lot of our time and it causes many distractions.
But what I've noticed between you guys and other people is that you guys are more sincere with your relationships, because people had to call you or visit you to see you.
Klemey, when you got a cell phone.. I don't know..I just feel that our connection went down a notch.
Talking to you guys on the phone was nice, and seeing you in person was great.
But now I feel like if you guys get laptops, you'll turn into everyone else. Always texting, facebooking, emailing, hardly trying to be with people in person... I don't know if I'm making any sense.
I'm not saying you guys shouldn't get laptops..I'm just saying that I've noticed the value of friendships disintegrate while technology keeps evolving into more efficient tools.

Just think back to the time of Lucy.
Ethel came over to Lucy's everyday! They baked and cooked together and sometimes talked on the phone.
They didn't have cell phones, or computers or even pagers.
People had better connections with others during those times. They had great relationships with their neighbors that they could ask them for a cup of sugar or eggs! I did that a couple of times and people thought I was crazy.
With the world we are living in, it's kinda hard to avoid technology, no matter how many times if screws you over or breaks down.
I'll keep my email, twitter, and texting. I'm gonna keep twitter because I just have this thing about know whats up with celebrities, and if I want to work with them one day, I'm going to need to be up-to-date lol
But I'll keep texting because now-a-days you can't always talk when you want to or talk with certain people around.
But facebook is gone, myspace has been gone, and that's pretty much it. lol
But just so you know, I want to be an old fashioned type of person, don't be surprised if you come home one day and you see a letter and a plate of cookies waiting at your door step or a surprise visit from me.
I want to be around my friends (when appropriate, inbetween classes is a no-no lol)
I want to create REAL memories, I want us to think back to times like Potatoe leek soup and not think about a conversation we had in an email.
I want to play games, I want to tell jokes, so I have decided to keep my American Music Awards get together, even though I don't really like the idea (now) of people coming over to watch a black box, it's still a chance for people to be together and share memories.

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