Ok so I was kinda nervous for my job interview right?
Well, I thought Hmm..maybe if I go on the website and learn more about what I would be doing, then I won't be so nervous and I can really explain why I would be good for the job.
So I went on the website...I watched one of the videos on the site that talked about the job.
People were wearing hard hats and running chainsaws..
And then I saw that the lady posted a schedule of what the people who get hired will do..it was all construction and building and stuff. One of the jobs was removing "beetle infested trees" and I'm like WHAT?!
And on the video people were all talking about how they love it so much, and I was like DANG..they really care about this kind of stuff and I don't. I don't really want to be a part of something I don't care about..so I sent the woman an apology email and told I the job was not what I expected. I feel bad and stupid and dumb and angry cuz I'm back at square one. But its opened my eyes to something.
MOVIES! So I knew I would kick a** in an interview for a theater because I go to movies ALL THE TIME and I WOULD LOVE TO BE APART OF THE PRODUCTION (or theater) AND MAKE A PERSONS MOVIE EXPERIENCE A WONDERFUL TIME!
So I'm gonna do it, when I get back from Seattle...I am going to march into CENTURY and TOTEM and ask for applications and fill them out on the spot and hand them in and wait for my phone call. I don't even care if I have to scoop popcorn or make nachos for people. I wouldn't care if I had to clean up the theaters for people either! BECAUSE I LOVE THE THEATERS THAT MUCH!!
So...what do you guys think?
Do you think I'm a total loser?
Do you think I finally found what I was made for?
Do you think I will be job-less forever?
Or Do you think I will end up working at McDonalds?
Friday, April 30, 2010
To Angel. (62/100)
Hey Angel...Like Oh My Goodness...I have been trying to call you for the last TWO days...Geeesh...Like so much has gone on and I want to tell you!!!! I'm gonna try and call you after school so please please please answer! Did you try and call me back last night 'cuz the phone rang and I answered then it hung up...I looked at the caller I.D. and it was your cell number...I was like 'Okay...Weird'...
So what's happening on Prom night? Are you and Rai still going your plan? Or are you gonna go to Veronica's birthday? If you do tell her I say 'Happy B-Day!'...
Rai: So did you put that note in my locker 'cuz I haven't looked yet...Did you see Mr. D? Ah! He's so cute....Did you have fun? Oh...I'll just call you to after school...just not on my Gramm's cell 'cuz i could not stand it when your voice kept fading out....
So what's happening on Prom night? Are you and Rai still going your plan? Or are you gonna go to Veronica's birthday? If you do tell her I say 'Happy B-Day!'...
Rai: So did you put that note in my locker 'cuz I haven't looked yet...Did you see Mr. D? Ah! He's so cute....Did you have fun? Oh...I'll just call you to after school...just not on my Gramm's cell 'cuz i could not stand it when your voice kept fading out....
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Remember this day Bandmates..
I was just sitting in my room listening to
Ke$ha- Kiss N Tell
and I got the email that I received a scholarship of $2,150.00!
Ke$ha- Kiss N Tell
and I got the email that I received a scholarship of $2,150.00!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Bennet After Venice. (61/100)
'Love me, love me, say that you love me...' Klemey blinked then opened her eyes. She was in a white room, laying on the floor. She squinted her eyes and saw a light bulb on the ceiling, it was giving off a pink glow. She sat up and coughed, glitter that was in the air swirled around. "What the..." She murmured to herself. Music was playing somewhere in the distance, Klemey figured this out as the walls rang out with 'In my head, I see you all over me...' "Where am I?" Klemey asked out loud, this was definitely not the room she had fallen in. "KLEMEY!" A booming voice shook from behind her making her jump. "Oh my God!" Klemey said as she stood up and turned around. She almost screamed. Standing there was a giant grilled cheese sandwich, with legs and arms, it was what had said her name. "Oh my..." The grilled cheese took a step forward. "Sorry about scaring you...My name is Mac'Ched." Klemey shook her head again, and stared at it, it had eyes and a mouth. "Am I dead? Or crazy?" Mac'Ched laughed deeply. "No, no, Klemey I think you know what's going on..." Klemey gave him a confused looked. "I don't any place where talking grilled cheesy's exist so you're gonna have to help me..." Klemey said. "Klemey you fell, you hit your head..." Her eyes widened. "Am I DEAD?!?!?!" Mac'Ched threw his hand up to what Klemey could only assume was his forehead. "No, you're unconscious! Duh! Didn't you pay any attention in Psychology when Mr. Rosser taught you about the conscious levels?" The realization that this was one of those crazy dreams people have after fainting or falling came over Klemey. "I guess I let a certain hottie biscotti with a naughty body distract me...." Klemey smiled as she remembered that class....Mac'Ched ignored that, and walked over to a table that was in a corner and sat down on a chair. "So that's where the music comes from..." Klemey said as she followed Mac'Ched to the table and noticed a jukebox behind it. "Sit." Mac'Ched offered, she took the chair farthest away. She looked around the room, it was empty except for the table set and jukebox. The light bulb tinted the white walls pink and Klemey noticed how glitter seem to endlessly fall from the ceiling but never float down to the floor just circle in the air. "Wow, you know if we're in my head right now why couldn't we be in some beautiful forest or something? And why the hell are you a talking sandwich? I am never gonna be able to eat a grilled cheesy again...I swear..." Mac'Ched just shrugged his shoulders. "How am I suppose to know? This is your mind, I'm just a counterpart of your conscious...Hey, while we're talking about your mind, what's been on it lately?" Klemey crossed her legs, noticing she was wearing comfy jeans and a t-shirt instead of her club dress. "What's there to talk about?"
"Well, there's the kidnapping, your drinking, and the whole war with Matthew and the bimbo, as you call her...Just talk to me." He reached across the table and grabbed her hands. "I'm here for you." Klemey, despite the fact that she was holding a sandwiches hands felt comfortable and relaxed. "The kidnapping I can handle...I mean, yes, that was completely traumatizing. I was so afraid they were gonna kill us, but me and Matthew were saved and nobody was hurt..." Klemey stopped. Mac'Ched raised his eyebrows (turns out he had those too). "And what about the whole war with Matthew thing?" Klemey sighed and tried to sum up her feelings. "Well, I love him and always will...It's just after what we've said to each other I really don't see how we can go back to being what we were, as a couple, but I do want to be friends with him...I want to at least explain what happened in Venice...I don't want him to think I meant to hurt him. In my mind we were over 'cuz I had thought he cheated on me..." Mac'Ched just looked at her for a moment then said, "I think that instead of drinking your feelings away maybe, just maybe you should just talk to him. Without the cussing or yelling, probably best to do it when your both not drunk." Just then John Meyer's 'Say' began to play...Say what you need to say...Klemey thought about it, how simple it would be. "And even he rejects what you have to say at least you tired! Now...Let's talk about Landon..." Klemey rolled her eyes, this emotional outpour to a sandwich was just a bit much, even for a dream. "What is there to say...I haven't seen him since the wedding. He probably hates me. For all I know he thinks that I was using him in Venice while I had a real boyfriend here."
"Was that how it was?" Mac'Ched asked. "NO!" Klemey said offended. "God, no! When I met him at the time to me Matthew and me were done...So everything me and Landon had was real, not fake."
"Do you think there's still a chance between you and him?" Klemey scoffed. "Do you even have to ask that really?....No. I don't think so, he hates me of course...." Mac'Ched stood up. "Klemey you never know..." He held out his hand for her and she stood up. "Where are we going?" Mac'Ched just smiled. "It's time for you to wake up now....Just remember, talk to Matthew, see what happens, and lay off the booze..." He laughed to himself. "Well this was uniquely weird, but yes I promise to do those..." Everything began to get fuzzy and the music blurred and weakened. Mac'Ched who was waving grew dark and distant then turned into a faraway memory.
"Klemey...Klemey...Klemey!" Klemey opened her eyes to see her date leaning over her. The throbbing in the back of her head was immediate. "Oww..." She sat up in the dark room. She was laying on a pile of now flattened cardboard boxes. "Are you okay?" Her date, whose name she just realized she didn't know, leaned down to her. The unconscious Gubler had been placed next to her. "Yeah...I fell..." He chuckled. "I can see that." She looked behind him. "Where's Angel and Rai?"
"That's what I'm going to find out...After you turned off the lights we ran but got separated . I couldn't find them so I came back this way and I saw you here..there's an exit right there..." He pointed behind her to a door marked exit. "Do you think you can handle getting him," He glanced at Gubler, "and you out of here while I go and look for Angel and Rai? He seems to be coming to..." He finished just as Matthew moved his head half an inch. "Yeah, yeah...I can do that, just go find them." He smiled and got up, as he walked out the door Klemey called out after him. "Hey! I'm sorry about how the night turned out!" He popped his head around the corner of the door. "No prob. this is definitely on my top ten most exciting dates ever!" He winked at her and was off before Klemey could even consider asking what his name was. "Haha." Klemey laughed to herself as she laid back unto the floor. "First I go on a date with a guy whose name I don't even know, and the cops chase us, then I get a therapy session from a sandwich, and now I'm laying in the dark with a drunk unconscious ex-boyfriend...This sucks" Klemey sighed. "I'm not that bad am I?" Matthew smiled groggily next to her.
"Well, there's the kidnapping, your drinking, and the whole war with Matthew and the bimbo, as you call her...Just talk to me." He reached across the table and grabbed her hands. "I'm here for you." Klemey, despite the fact that she was holding a sandwiches hands felt comfortable and relaxed. "The kidnapping I can handle...I mean, yes, that was completely traumatizing. I was so afraid they were gonna kill us, but me and Matthew were saved and nobody was hurt..." Klemey stopped. Mac'Ched raised his eyebrows (turns out he had those too). "And what about the whole war with Matthew thing?" Klemey sighed and tried to sum up her feelings. "Well, I love him and always will...It's just after what we've said to each other I really don't see how we can go back to being what we were, as a couple, but I do want to be friends with him...I want to at least explain what happened in Venice...I don't want him to think I meant to hurt him. In my mind we were over 'cuz I had thought he cheated on me..." Mac'Ched just looked at her for a moment then said, "I think that instead of drinking your feelings away maybe, just maybe you should just talk to him. Without the cussing or yelling, probably best to do it when your both not drunk." Just then John Meyer's 'Say' began to play...Say what you need to say...Klemey thought about it, how simple it would be. "And even he rejects what you have to say at least you tired! Now...Let's talk about Landon..." Klemey rolled her eyes, this emotional outpour to a sandwich was just a bit much, even for a dream. "What is there to say...I haven't seen him since the wedding. He probably hates me. For all I know he thinks that I was using him in Venice while I had a real boyfriend here."
"Was that how it was?" Mac'Ched asked. "NO!" Klemey said offended. "God, no! When I met him at the time to me Matthew and me were done...So everything me and Landon had was real, not fake."
"Do you think there's still a chance between you and him?" Klemey scoffed. "Do you even have to ask that really?....No. I don't think so, he hates me of course...." Mac'Ched stood up. "Klemey you never know..." He held out his hand for her and she stood up. "Where are we going?" Mac'Ched just smiled. "It's time for you to wake up now....Just remember, talk to Matthew, see what happens, and lay off the booze..." He laughed to himself. "Well this was uniquely weird, but yes I promise to do those..." Everything began to get fuzzy and the music blurred and weakened. Mac'Ched who was waving grew dark and distant then turned into a faraway memory.
"Klemey...Klemey...Klemey!" Klemey opened her eyes to see her date leaning over her. The throbbing in the back of her head was immediate. "Oww..." She sat up in the dark room. She was laying on a pile of now flattened cardboard boxes. "Are you okay?" Her date, whose name she just realized she didn't know, leaned down to her. The unconscious Gubler had been placed next to her. "Yeah...I fell..." He chuckled. "I can see that." She looked behind him. "Where's Angel and Rai?"
"That's what I'm going to find out...After you turned off the lights we ran but got separated . I couldn't find them so I came back this way and I saw you here..there's an exit right there..." He pointed behind her to a door marked exit. "Do you think you can handle getting him," He glanced at Gubler, "and you out of here while I go and look for Angel and Rai? He seems to be coming to..." He finished just as Matthew moved his head half an inch. "Yeah, yeah...I can do that, just go find them." He smiled and got up, as he walked out the door Klemey called out after him. "Hey! I'm sorry about how the night turned out!" He popped his head around the corner of the door. "No prob. this is definitely on my top ten most exciting dates ever!" He winked at her and was off before Klemey could even consider asking what his name was. "Haha." Klemey laughed to herself as she laid back unto the floor. "First I go on a date with a guy whose name I don't even know, and the cops chase us, then I get a therapy session from a sandwich, and now I'm laying in the dark with a drunk unconscious ex-boyfriend...This sucks" Klemey sighed. "I'm not that bad am I?" Matthew smiled groggily next to her.
...To Be Continued...
It was a laser gun. (60/100)
Okay so here's my official prom day schedule for Saturday...
Klemey's Official Prom Day To-Do:
1. Wake-up around 10 am
2. Get hair done around 3 pm
3. Angel and Rai walk me to my car 6:30 to around 7:30 pm
4. Pick up Nikki around 7:30 pm
5. Go to Prom 8 to 12 pm
6. Go to Angel's for an AWESOME party! (all-night long!) 12pm to whenever we pass out!
Gah! Angel I have to talk to you!!!! I'm calling you after school today...I have to tell you about Wolf-Man (A.K.A. you'll find out, Rai sent you a text during 5th telling you about him)...Oh, so much has happened, can't wait to tell my mum!!!!
Sucky thing though is he can't take me to PROM....Bummer.
Well, I'ma go and do nothing....
Oh P.S. Angel we were suppose to ride bikes today! What happened?
Klemey's Official Prom Day To-Do:
1. Wake-up around 10 am
2. Get hair done around 3 pm
3. Angel and Rai walk me to my car 6:30 to around 7:30 pm
4. Pick up Nikki around 7:30 pm
5. Go to Prom 8 to 12 pm
6. Go to Angel's for an AWESOME party! (all-night long!) 12pm to whenever we pass out!
Gah! Angel I have to talk to you!!!! I'm calling you after school today...I have to tell you about Wolf-Man (A.K.A. you'll find out, Rai sent you a text during 5th telling you about him)...Oh, so much has happened, can't wait to tell my mum!!!!
Sucky thing though is he can't take me to PROM....Bummer.
Well, I'ma go and do nothing....
Oh P.S. Angel we were suppose to ride bikes today! What happened?
While I'm in Seattle...
You guys CANNOT see Just Wright without me!
Sorry, but you just can't!
I might go see Letters to Juliet with my mom while my dad sees Robin Hood..
But Just Wright has to be for all of us!
Looks good! =]
Btw..they all come out on May 14, the day before I come back! =D
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Makeup...to do or not to do that is the question!
Ok so i JUST try the makeup on and at first i put tooo much blueee eyeshawdow and laughed at myself cuz i looked like a hooker lol! then i tried it again with pink but didnt like it cuz it barley show but then again i would like too keep iit natural and then i tried blue eyeshadow making sure i put enough to not look like a hooker. and the pink shimmy lipp gloss i must say i must like kinda...im not sureee...im pretty sure i 'lll but the pink eyeshadow...gotta go to rais house one day to try more samples. i wanna use makeup but i want it to be natural.
well klemy wat to do u mean in ur post?
so did u ask him out?
no yes?
so ur not riding with chupacca and his gf?
wat bout nikki? r u picking her up?
411 pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
and u never told me what snack u wanna bring?
wat bout movies?
games u perfer?
did u try the makeup on?????
i feel funny with makeup on..i feel like a clown?
well klemy wat to do u mean in ur post?
so did u ask him out?
no yes?
so ur not riding with chupacca and his gf?
wat bout nikki? r u picking her up?
411 pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
and u never told me what snack u wanna bring?
wat bout movies?
games u perfer?
did u try the makeup on?????
i feel funny with makeup on..i feel like a clown?
Klemey's Prom Night Schedule. (59/100)
Friday Night (04/30/10)-
1. Shower around 10 or 11pm, then bed...[the salon lady said to shower the night before]
1/2. Paint my nails (red)...
Saturday (05/01/10)-
1. Wake-Up, wash my face (extra good!), eat, brush teeth, and all that good stuff....
2. Get hair done at 3pm...
3. Go home and get dress and rest on...
***This is where it get's sketchy...'Cuz if I ask a dude to go with me then I don't know if we're picking him up or if he's getting a ride, but I'm operating on the assumption that I'm not so yeah.***
4. Pick up Julio (A.K.A. Nikki)
5. Go to prom! 8pm...
6. Go to Rosa's! 12pm...
Sunday (05/02/10)-
1. Be lazy!
2. Shower!
3. Go see 'As You Wish!'
Okay that's it!
1. Shower around 10 or 11pm, then bed...[the salon lady said to shower the night before]
1/2. Paint my nails (red)...
Saturday (05/01/10)-
1. Wake-Up, wash my face (extra good!), eat, brush teeth, and all that good stuff....
2. Get hair done at 3pm...
3. Go home and get dress and rest on...
***This is where it get's sketchy...'Cuz if I ask a dude to go with me then I don't know if we're picking him up or if he's getting a ride, but I'm operating on the assumption that I'm not so yeah.***
4. Pick up Julio (A.K.A. Nikki)
5. Go to prom! 8pm...
6. Go to Rosa's! 12pm...
Sunday (05/02/10)-
1. Be lazy!
2. Shower!
3. Go see 'As You Wish!'
Okay that's it!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Prom night!!
Ok well I already listed the movies I wanted to watch..
as for snacks...
NOT KIDDING. as of MAY 1ST I will have NINE days. I wanna look good for my pictures! =]]
I need your guys' help!
I'm gonna try to wake up early tomorrow to work out!
I am so psyched!
As for activities....
-PRANK CALLS lol ....deep secret: i've never done a prank call before..
There is a game called Snatch #1:
each player has to drink a shot every time the F word is used...we should use "OMG or oh my god" or something else we always say!! HAHAHAH
as for snacks...
NOT KIDDING. as of MAY 1ST I will have NINE days. I wanna look good for my pictures! =]]
I need your guys' help!
I'm gonna try to wake up early tomorrow to work out!
I am so psyched!
As for activities....
-PRANK CALLS lol ....deep secret: i've never done a prank call before..
There is a game called Snatch #1:
each player has to drink a shot every time the F word is used...we should use "OMG or oh my god" or something else we always say!! HAHAHAH
Kelmy and rai
So wat movies do you wanna see when u come over?
and both of you guys list snacks you guys want to eat
on that day so i can buy some.
and anything else that you guys want to do
like spa day?(the cheap kind lol)
video games?
prank calls? lol pizza hut do you deliver all the way to christopia!haha
no ok well jsut tell me wat kind of actvites you guys
want to do.
damn saturday is going to fly by!
and i wont be here on friday because i have a doctors appointment with the dermatolgist! their going to see it and hopefully get rid of it once and for all!
and both of you guys list snacks you guys want to eat
on that day so i can buy some.
and anything else that you guys want to do
like spa day?(the cheap kind lol)
video games?
prank calls? lol pizza hut do you deliver all the way to christopia!haha
no ok well jsut tell me wat kind of actvites you guys
want to do.
damn saturday is going to fly by!
and i wont be here on friday because i have a doctors appointment with the dermatolgist! their going to see it and hopefully get rid of it once and for all!
soo tiredd....i feel drowsy but good in a kind of way.
well i like the prom adventure
so how much dinero will we need.
and klemy i would be delighted to come and walk you down the aisle lol or just walk you off to the car:D
and im heck tired. im going to try do homework.wacth the snl vids. and maybe take a 5 minute nap.
biking sucks but yet rulees.
ugh so tired
well i like the prom adventure
so how much dinero will we need.
and klemy i would be delighted to come and walk you down the aisle lol or just walk you off to the car:D
and im heck tired. im going to try do homework.wacth the snl vids. and maybe take a 5 minute nap.
biking sucks but yet rulees.
ugh so tired
Rai. (58/100)
So on Prom Night are we spending a night at Angel's? Or is that not happening anymore...Either way I kinda want you guys to see me before I go...All hair done and dress on...Yeah...So consider that...Please....
I have 'Lazy Sunday' stuck in my head...
I have 'Lazy Sunday' stuck in my head...
Final Prom Adventure change.
Morning: Clark walk/run OR beginning of bike ride (my rents may not go, so then we might not go either)
Afternoon: continue with bike ride while stopping at numerous places on the way (i.e. subway, title wave bookstore, barnes and noble, etc.)
Evening: After bike ride, bike over to the greek corner and have dinner (with salads!) and then work it off by biking to fireweed...hopefully something good will be playing their by saturday..if not then we can bike over to either century or totem!)
After dinner and a movie, go to angels house!
P.S. There is another walk/run sunday!! I want to do that too!
Remember my goal is TEN (10)
1 down, 9 more to go!
Movies I want to watch:
-Mean Girls
-Miss Congeniality
-Sydney White
-John Tucker Must Die
-A Cinderella Story
-13 going on 30
-27 Dresses
Anyone of these will work! =]
Morning: Clark walk/run OR beginning of bike ride (my rents may not go, so then we might not go either)
Afternoon: continue with bike ride while stopping at numerous places on the way (i.e. subway, title wave bookstore, barnes and noble, etc.)
Evening: After bike ride, bike over to the greek corner and have dinner (with salads!) and then work it off by biking to fireweed...hopefully something good will be playing their by saturday..if not then we can bike over to either century or totem!)
After dinner and a movie, go to angels house!
P.S. There is another walk/run sunday!! I want to do that too!
Remember my goal is TEN (10)
1 down, 9 more to go!
Movies I want to watch:
-Mean Girls
-Miss Congeniality
-Sydney White
-John Tucker Must Die
-A Cinderella Story
-13 going on 30
-27 Dresses
Anyone of these will work! =]
A Boombox Is Not A Toy. (57/100)
So I am in love with SNL videos!!!! And Andy Samberg! He is just sooooo awesome!
So here are my favorite ones....My number one favorite one is 'Boombox'....
I love when he says 'boiled guts'....Hahaha, although the old people part was disgusting....Ew.
Then there's Natalie Portman's Rap...Major profanity....
Then there's Justin Timberlake's Mother Lover...
And 'Lazy Sunday'...
Haha, I love Boombox and Lazy Sunday...
So here are my favorite ones....My number one favorite one is 'Boombox'....
I love when he says 'boiled guts'....Hahaha, although the old people part was disgusting....Ew.
Then there's Natalie Portman's Rap...Major profanity....
Then there's Justin Timberlake's Mother Lover...
And 'Lazy Sunday'...
Haha, I love Boombox and Lazy Sunday...
Sunday, April 25, 2010
I need some info about ya!
I'm going to my aunts and getting some mary kay samples
Skin Type:
Mostly interested in:
I'm going to my aunts and getting some mary kay samples
Skin Type:
Mostly interested in:
my progress report
TO: Anchorage Police Department, Senior Manager Alec Baldwin
FROM: rai Lynn, Cinnamon Theaters Manager
DATE: April 23, 2010
STUBJECT: Progress Report 1: Private Celebrity Party
Please accept this Annual Progress Report concerning our double birthday party involving singers/songwriters Alicia Keys and Ke$ha. The time frame we were given for this project is from March 5, 2010 to May 5, 2010, the day of the party. Below are the current tasks that have been completed and that are still scheduled to be completed and problems we have faced.
Work Completed
Assistant Manager Baja Miller and I have had meetings with the managers of the celebrities. During these meetings we have discussed a theme, food and beverages, invitations, and a private screening of a movie.
Theme/ Decorations
Ms. Miller and I have ordered special decorations from Party Planet, Inc. for the requested theme of a Masquerade Ball. We talked to the lighting crew about the colors and spotlights that are to be used that night.
We also ordered the special invitations from Stationary by Mariah and sent them out.
Food and Beverages
Last week, I called Sakar Bakery and ordered the large ice cream cake that was agreed upon by both celebrities. They have assured me that they will call Ms. Miller and I to take a look at the preview before they create the cake. We have also met with our in-theater chefs who cater our special events and talked with them about the menu.
Page 2
rai Lynn
April 23, 2010
Work Scheduled
Ms. Miller and I have yet to get approval for the movie screening, music and entertainment for the party, and extra security for the theater.
Movie Screening
Ms. Miller is contacting the headquarters of Cinnamon Theaters in New York, New York to attain permission to have a private screening of the movie Letters to Juliet during the party. This film is not scheduled to be released until May 14, 2010, so it may take some time to get approval. Fortunately, the celebrities have chosen a second back-up film incase their first choice does not work out.
Music and Entertainment
In a couple of days, I am going to Los Angeles, California to meet with DJ Scotch from Music in a Minute Studios to discuss the music selection for the party. While I am there, I am going to talk to Nick Lachey, the producer of the show Taking the Stage on MTV, about possible entertainment from the cast members.
Next week, I am also going to talk to the Anchorage Police Department in person to discuss a potential security problem. We may need a stronger police force since our party involves such famous and important people in our society.
Two weeks ago, we sent out the invitations for the double birthday party. Last week we were hit with a threat by singer/songwriter Justin Bieber. He declared on his Twitter account that he was “upset” that he wasn’t invited and threatened to “crash the party” with his “crew” and “ruin the party that the Cinnamon theater people planned.” His outrage made national television and Cinnamon Theaters Headquarters have advised us to get extra security around the building. Fortunately, airport security assured us that they would warn us if Mr. Bieber landed in Anchorage.
FROM: rai Lynn, Cinnamon Theaters Manager
DATE: April 23, 2010
STUBJECT: Progress Report 1: Private Celebrity Party
Please accept this Annual Progress Report concerning our double birthday party involving singers/songwriters Alicia Keys and Ke$ha. The time frame we were given for this project is from March 5, 2010 to May 5, 2010, the day of the party. Below are the current tasks that have been completed and that are still scheduled to be completed and problems we have faced.
Work Completed
Assistant Manager Baja Miller and I have had meetings with the managers of the celebrities. During these meetings we have discussed a theme, food and beverages, invitations, and a private screening of a movie.
Theme/ Decorations
Ms. Miller and I have ordered special decorations from Party Planet, Inc. for the requested theme of a Masquerade Ball. We talked to the lighting crew about the colors and spotlights that are to be used that night.
We also ordered the special invitations from Stationary by Mariah and sent them out.
Food and Beverages
Last week, I called Sakar Bakery and ordered the large ice cream cake that was agreed upon by both celebrities. They have assured me that they will call Ms. Miller and I to take a look at the preview before they create the cake. We have also met with our in-theater chefs who cater our special events and talked with them about the menu.
Page 2
rai Lynn
April 23, 2010
Work Scheduled
Ms. Miller and I have yet to get approval for the movie screening, music and entertainment for the party, and extra security for the theater.
Movie Screening
Ms. Miller is contacting the headquarters of Cinnamon Theaters in New York, New York to attain permission to have a private screening of the movie Letters to Juliet during the party. This film is not scheduled to be released until May 14, 2010, so it may take some time to get approval. Fortunately, the celebrities have chosen a second back-up film incase their first choice does not work out.
Music and Entertainment
In a couple of days, I am going to Los Angeles, California to meet with DJ Scotch from Music in a Minute Studios to discuss the music selection for the party. While I am there, I am going to talk to Nick Lachey, the producer of the show Taking the Stage on MTV, about possible entertainment from the cast members.
Next week, I am also going to talk to the Anchorage Police Department in person to discuss a potential security problem. We may need a stronger police force since our party involves such famous and important people in our society.
Two weeks ago, we sent out the invitations for the double birthday party. Last week we were hit with a threat by singer/songwriter Justin Bieber. He declared on his Twitter account that he was “upset” that he wasn’t invited and threatened to “crash the party” with his “crew” and “ruin the party that the Cinnamon theater people planned.” His outrage made national television and Cinnamon Theaters Headquarters have advised us to get extra security around the building. Fortunately, airport security assured us that they would warn us if Mr. Bieber landed in Anchorage.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Its my life
First of all rai:
1.) with the shoes you have to wear i think they should magicallly get broke or something. get the kitten asap and then all it self will fall into place.
2.) seattle will be fine because its your graduation and i think that your parents at least can give you that!
3.)okay first of all even if i realllllyyyy wanted to go to prom so badly and had a date and all i still wouldnt go knowing that one of my bestest friends arent going. its me descion and i have next year. going to this wouldnt make a diffrence next year. i know at time i will do what i want that doesnt pleases neither my parents but its not like i was dying to go either. im still a junior i ahve a year left an di willl spend that how i want to. rai you and klemy are my two closest friends who understand me and can hgandle how bitchy i get or how i sometimes will cancel plans not because i want to but because i work for my parents(whihc i say never do in ur life!)
and klemy i dont want you to think that i dont care about you because i talk to more to rai than you. i wish i can call you or hang out with you more often. but i dont talk on the phone anymore because i will always have a customer waitng and i just cant waist ny minutes saying hold on for a minute when you wait like 5. and maybe i should be a little considerate more and try to at least write a note or an email instead of just waving at the halls or seeing u in key club.
and when i say i cant hangout with you on a saturday but i go out on a friday with someone else, i really dont know how to explain that my parents are unpredicatble and i love them even though trying to hang out with you guys maks it tough. my brothee ri s in college and he s at uaa all the time and my little bro is going ot have more of socail life since he s goign to hihg school and im going have to respect that we both cant be out on the same time. i just hope you gus kno that at times if i say no is because i dont do it to say no its because i do it for a reason. i know i havent asked my parents permison because i know at times their answer will be yes, but they need to do their busnieess and sadly im 95 percent good with the client even i make fun of them lol, but i speeak enough english to make them happy and get their order right 95 percent of the time and i know what they order and i know what their names are. i jsut hope you guys understand that i just cant go out that much spending money on things and again if i do it with other people, its just hard how unpredicatble my parents are. they give me money, but i just dont want to take it all the time.
we're going to have a prom adventure.
klemy ur going to spend the night at my house and were gonna askk dets about how the prom went and were goign to pig out on food and wacth movies alll night long.
because that wat bestfriends do.
and rai maybe at time u ll be unenthusatic at times but your a friend that i know i should never let one pass by. so wat if ur never married i might get married and be divorced multiple times and end up with no money and i will be then forced to be a nun! but that wont matter cuz friends are here to be with you thgrough toughest or smallest times. klemy who knows u might just win the lotto and then lose the ticket and get hit by a car. then your in the hospital with a broken leg and your on the bed wacthing davud letterman sayin karma bite su in the tush. and your have an ephinay.
ok none of that will happen because we deserve to have love,happiness, and friendship.
1.) with the shoes you have to wear i think they should magicallly get broke or something. get the kitten asap and then all it self will fall into place.
2.) seattle will be fine because its your graduation and i think that your parents at least can give you that!
3.)okay first of all even if i realllllyyyy wanted to go to prom so badly and had a date and all i still wouldnt go knowing that one of my bestest friends arent going. its me descion and i have next year. going to this wouldnt make a diffrence next year. i know at time i will do what i want that doesnt pleases neither my parents but its not like i was dying to go either. im still a junior i ahve a year left an di willl spend that how i want to. rai you and klemy are my two closest friends who understand me and can hgandle how bitchy i get or how i sometimes will cancel plans not because i want to but because i work for my parents(whihc i say never do in ur life!)
and klemy i dont want you to think that i dont care about you because i talk to more to rai than you. i wish i can call you or hang out with you more often. but i dont talk on the phone anymore because i will always have a customer waitng and i just cant waist ny minutes saying hold on for a minute when you wait like 5. and maybe i should be a little considerate more and try to at least write a note or an email instead of just waving at the halls or seeing u in key club.
and when i say i cant hangout with you on a saturday but i go out on a friday with someone else, i really dont know how to explain that my parents are unpredicatble and i love them even though trying to hang out with you guys maks it tough. my brothee ri s in college and he s at uaa all the time and my little bro is going ot have more of socail life since he s goign to hihg school and im going have to respect that we both cant be out on the same time. i just hope you gus kno that at times if i say no is because i dont do it to say no its because i do it for a reason. i know i havent asked my parents permison because i know at times their answer will be yes, but they need to do their busnieess and sadly im 95 percent good with the client even i make fun of them lol, but i speeak enough english to make them happy and get their order right 95 percent of the time and i know what they order and i know what their names are. i jsut hope you guys understand that i just cant go out that much spending money on things and again if i do it with other people, its just hard how unpredicatble my parents are. they give me money, but i just dont want to take it all the time.
we're going to have a prom adventure.
klemy ur going to spend the night at my house and were gonna askk dets about how the prom went and were goign to pig out on food and wacth movies alll night long.
because that wat bestfriends do.
and rai maybe at time u ll be unenthusatic at times but your a friend that i know i should never let one pass by. so wat if ur never married i might get married and be divorced multiple times and end up with no money and i will be then forced to be a nun! but that wont matter cuz friends are here to be with you thgrough toughest or smallest times. klemy who knows u might just win the lotto and then lose the ticket and get hit by a car. then your in the hospital with a broken leg and your on the bed wacthing davud letterman sayin karma bite su in the tush. and your have an ephinay.
ok none of that will happen because we deserve to have love,happiness, and friendship.
Apologies for being a Bitch today..
Life is not too good right now for me.
-Can't wear the shoes I want for graduation so I settled for painful ones my mom likes
-Worried Seattle will be stressful (always is with all 3 of us together)
-Not graduating with honors
-Angel's rents are mad shes not going to prom ( mainly cuz of me)
-stupid first aid project is a bust
-no money for college
-no one wants to hire me
-old friends aren't acting like friends
-stupid time of the month
I am so sorry for everything today to the both of you. I don't mean to be lifeless, boring, and unenthusiastic. But I am. Obviously I am going to die alone because everyone will be so angry and upset with me that no one will be at my bedside. Plus I'm never going to get married and have kids.
-Can't wear the shoes I want for graduation so I settled for painful ones my mom likes
-Worried Seattle will be stressful (always is with all 3 of us together)
-Not graduating with honors
-Angel's rents are mad shes not going to prom ( mainly cuz of me)
-stupid first aid project is a bust
-no money for college
-no one wants to hire me
-old friends aren't acting like friends
-stupid time of the month
I am so sorry for everything today to the both of you. I don't mean to be lifeless, boring, and unenthusiastic. But I am. Obviously I am going to die alone because everyone will be so angry and upset with me that no one will be at my bedside. Plus I'm never going to get married and have kids.
Prom Adventure..
is off.
Don't want Angel to miss to work when her rents are already pissed she's not going to prom.
Besides, theres a run that day I want to walk with my parents.
Don't want Angel to miss to work when her rents are already pissed she's not going to prom.
Besides, theres a run that day I want to walk with my parents.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Justin Bieber. (56/100)
Omg....RaiI completely LOVED that, Bieber on SNL...When he was singing the 'mother load' part and moved his hips I was like 'DA-AMN!!!'...That was totally sexy...Haha, I knew he had it in him to be that, idk, on-purposely sexy...Oh man...Anyways, I have been watching SNL music videos since I got home and I LOVE THEM!!!! Andy S. is sooooo funny...I would post some but most of them are disabled....
NEWS: So I found a new movie I wanna see just as bad as a wanted to see 'Kick-Ass'...Here's the trailer...And guess who's in it!!! Micheal Cera!!!
K, Bub-Bye!
NEWS: So I found a new movie I wanna see just as bad as a wanted to see 'Kick-Ass'...Here's the trailer...And guess who's in it!!! Micheal Cera!!!
K, Bub-Bye!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Bennet After Venice. (55/100)
"Where's Klemey?" Rai whispered to Angel whose hand she was holding while they walked through the darkened hall. After Klemey had hit the lights they had pushed past the officer and ran blindly. "I don;t know, maybe she ran a different way and has already gotten out." Rai stopped and turned to speak to the Love God. "Do you..." She swung out her arm, no one was there. "Well, that's just great!" She sighed. "Now Matthew and that dude are gone! This is horrible!" Rai stumped her foot in frustration. She was already mad because as they were running from the cop she had snagged and ripped her $5.000 dress. "Jeeesh! Not only are we technically fugitives, but I've ripped my one of a kind, irreplaceable dress, and now we've just lost three people of our group..." Angel pulled Rai into her arms for a hug. "It's gonna be okay! I mean Klemey, Matthew, and the Lov...the dude are probably outside waiting for us and your married to one of the biggest singers of ever! You're rich, so you'll be able to get another dress...Just look on the brightside!" Angel smiled even though they were standing in the dark. "Yeah, whatever..." Rai shrugged it off and they began to walk again. "So I saw Chris' movie was ranked #2 on the movies chart in the news paper. That's good. " Angel said to get Rai's mind off their current situation. "Yeah it would've been #1 of Miley Cyrus' 'I'ma Crack Head- The Sequel' hadn't premiered in the same week." And with that they continued on through the hall.
...To Be Continued...
Bennet After Venice. (54/100)
"Oh my God!" Klemey threw her hands over her mouth. Matthew was laying on the floor, completely knocked out in the center of the dance floor. "What a punch!" Someone said to the Love God as police sirens filled the distant air. The D.J. had stopped playing when the yelling match had began and everyone was scattering like bugs now that the cops were on their way. "Come on!" Chris grabbed Gio's arm. "We can't get caught up in this mess, we're still on parole!" Gio looked at Angel. "Go!" She said and kissed him. " Get out of here before the cops get you! You can not go to jail right now!" Rai kissed Chris then him and Gio were off, pushing through the crowd then out the front door. "God damn Vegas incident!" Rai scoffed, "We gotta go to!" She said and grabbed Angels hand then reached for Klemeys. "Wait!" Klemey looked at them, then Gubler who was now drooling on the floor. "We can't just leave him here, they'll send him back to jail!" The bimbo jumped into the conversation right then with a, "Whoa! I'm out...Tell that idiot we're through! I can't afford to get busted again!" With that she was gone. "Oh, thank God!" Rai sighed as she watched the trash leave. "I wonder what she was busted for..." Angel mumbled. "Ha, probably prostitution!" Rai let out with a smirk. "You guys! I'm serious! You have to help me!" Klemey bent down and grabbed both of Gublers arms. "Klemey what are you doing? That man has been the biggest douche to you and you want to help him avoid going to jail?" Klemey didn't look up but just said, "I know, I know...But just give me a hand!" Klemey pulled Gubler's arm over her shoulder. Rai just rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "Na-uh! This guy is a total jerk Klemey! He just called you a slut! he doesn't deserve this..." Angel interrupted with a sigh. "Rai just do it." Angel bent down on the other side of Gubler, Klemey handed over his other arm. Before Angel even pulled it over her shoulder the Love God, who had been silent, stepped in. "Here, let me help." He looked at Angel and grabbed Gubler's limp arm. "Klemey, I got it." He said to her then pulled Gubler's arm over his shoulder and placed his own arm around Gubler's waist. It took him less than a second to hoist Gubler's dead weight upright.
Everyone except Gubler turned their heads toward the clubs front doors. A group of about seven police men had kicked through and were busting up the exiting crowd. "Crap..." Rai let out. "Come on." And with that the 3 girls and 2 men started off in a mad rush toward the back exit.
"Are you sure you know where we're going?" The Love God huffed out to Rai who was in front leading them. "Of course!" Rai answered annoyed. "My husband has been to every private club opening in this city so I think I know where I'm going." The Love God turned to Angel and mumble, "Who put a stick up her butt?" Angel tried not to laugh but failed. "I heard that." Rai said over her shoulder while leading them through a curtain that was behind the D.J.'s turn tables. The Love God crossed his eyes and stuck his tongue out at Rai then smiled to Angel who was stifling another laugh. "I saw that." Rai said again.
"Hold it right there! DON'T MOVE!"
A thundering voice came form in front of them. "Umph!" Klemey walked right into the Love God and Gubler. "Uh-Oh." Rai looked at the cop standing in front of them. "What do we do?" Angel whispered. "Stop right there!" The cop said then fumbled for his radio. "Tom I have a 10-20 in the back...." Klemey was standing on her tippy toes to see over the Love God's shoulder. She was behind him and Gubler who were behind Rai and Angel. "Hey." The Love God whispered to Klemey. "What?" She whispered back. He didn't say anything with his mouth, but gave her a look and pointed his head toward the wall behind her. A confused Klemey looked behind her and saw exactly what he was pointing to. The main light switch for the entire club was right there on the wall next to a door. Klemey turned back to face the Love God he raised his eyebrows and mouthed 'One...Two...' and on three Klemey hit the switch and the hall went dark. "Hey!" The cop let out stupidly. "RUN!" The Love God shouted. Klemey turned the handle of the door next to the light switch and ran, thinking the others were right behind her.
Klemey had gone from one dark hall to another. "Ugh." She reached out her arms and felt her way forward. She ran her hands along the walls till she found a door. She opened it quickly and stepped in a little to fast. "Shaa-It!" Klemey yelled as she fell over a pile of boxes. She felt something pound against her head then saw a flash of white, then nothing.
Everyone except Gubler turned their heads toward the clubs front doors. A group of about seven police men had kicked through and were busting up the exiting crowd. "Crap..." Rai let out. "Come on." And with that the 3 girls and 2 men started off in a mad rush toward the back exit.
"Are you sure you know where we're going?" The Love God huffed out to Rai who was in front leading them. "Of course!" Rai answered annoyed. "My husband has been to every private club opening in this city so I think I know where I'm going." The Love God turned to Angel and mumble, "Who put a stick up her butt?" Angel tried not to laugh but failed. "I heard that." Rai said over her shoulder while leading them through a curtain that was behind the D.J.'s turn tables. The Love God crossed his eyes and stuck his tongue out at Rai then smiled to Angel who was stifling another laugh. "I saw that." Rai said again.
"Hold it right there! DON'T MOVE!"
A thundering voice came form in front of them. "Umph!" Klemey walked right into the Love God and Gubler. "Uh-Oh." Rai looked at the cop standing in front of them. "What do we do?" Angel whispered. "Stop right there!" The cop said then fumbled for his radio. "Tom I have a 10-20 in the back...." Klemey was standing on her tippy toes to see over the Love God's shoulder. She was behind him and Gubler who were behind Rai and Angel. "Hey." The Love God whispered to Klemey. "What?" She whispered back. He didn't say anything with his mouth, but gave her a look and pointed his head toward the wall behind her. A confused Klemey looked behind her and saw exactly what he was pointing to. The main light switch for the entire club was right there on the wall next to a door. Klemey turned back to face the Love God he raised his eyebrows and mouthed 'One...Two...' and on three Klemey hit the switch and the hall went dark. "Hey!" The cop let out stupidly. "RUN!" The Love God shouted. Klemey turned the handle of the door next to the light switch and ran, thinking the others were right behind her.
Klemey had gone from one dark hall to another. "Ugh." She reached out her arms and felt her way forward. She ran her hands along the walls till she found a door. She opened it quickly and stepped in a little to fast. "Shaa-It!" Klemey yelled as she fell over a pile of boxes. She felt something pound against her head then saw a flash of white, then nothing.
...To Be Continued...
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
100. (53/100)
Oh. My. God.
I just got done watching THE most heart wrenching episode of Criminal Minds...I can't believe it...
It's the episode '100'...And in it (I'm just gonna tell yall anyway 'cuz I really don't think your ever gonna watch it) Agent Hotchner, the head honcho, leader of the team, the boss of the F.B.I. agents, whatever...Well, they worked a case in an earlier episode where this guy was killing people and he always called the lead investigator of the team and offered them a deal, if they stopped looking for him he would stop killing people...And he offered Hotch that but of course Hotch said no...After awhile though it turned out the real killer was a man they had thought was a victim of the killer (The killer, A.K.A. the Reaper, had stabbed himself a ton to convince people the killer had attacked him- that's how sick he is)....Anyways, in the end of that episode the Reaper got away...And that's was the first, but not the last time we saw him...
Later in another episode the Reaper breaks into Hotch's apartment (he had become like obsessed with torturing Hotch) and stabbed Hotch like nine times...But don't worry Hotch wasn't killed...See the Reaper (because he's psycho) stabbed him then dropped him off at a hospital under a false name...Just so he could freak him out and mess with him...And it's while Hotch is in the hospital that the Reaper kind of reveals that he plans on harming Hotch's family...So Hotch has them placed in protection...
After that we don't really hear much about the Reaper until...Hotch is working another case where he has to go to a prison to talk to another mass murder/freak guy and the guy tells Hotch that the Reaper is still after him...
Then the episode '100' is after that...And that's the sad episode...'Cuz the Reaper finds Haley and Jack, Hotch's ex-wife and son...After he found the officer who was watching over them and tortured him (by shooting him in both legs, one foot, and cut off several fingers- Ow, I felt so bad for him- he died). The officer didn't give up anything about where Haley and Jack were hidden, but the Reaper found them by using the officer's phone. He called every # on it until he found Haley's. Then he told her that he was an officer and that her location had been compromised and that the Reaper (him) was after them...And to add to the twisted-ness of this man he told her that Hotch had been murdered. After that he told her to met him at her and Hotch's old house so that he could put her in a safe house. And she did...
The whole time this is happening Hotch and the team are trying to figure out where he would take Haley and they use the profile they had made of the Reaper, it's where they analyze what the Reaper kills for and stuff, and they took a guess that he was taking them to Hotch's old house (and they were correct).
Once at the house the Reaper calls Hotch and puts it on speaker phone (him, Haley, and Jack) are all in the living room. Hotch begins to talk to Haley and she realizes that he was never dead and that the officer with them is actually the Reaper, and she knows that he is going to kill her...And Hotch knows this to...That he can't get there in time to save her...And it was so so so sad...Hotch told his son to go hide, then he was telling her to show him (the Reaper) no fear, because that's exactly what he wanted...And she told him to tell their son how they met and everything about love because that was the most important thing in life...And the entire time they were talking everyone else on the team was listening...So they heard every sad detail...Then the Reaper shot her...
When Hotch finally reached the house he went in and found Haley dead in their bedroom...The Reaper had slit her wrists and throat...Then he saw that the Reaper was hiding behind the curtains...He shot him like six times, but it turned out he was wearing a bullet proof vest...They started fighting and ended up falling down the stairs and fighting in the dining room...They smashed through the table and the Reaper seemed to be winning...He had smashed a glass bowl on top of Hotch's head...Then he pulled out a knife and said after he killed Hotch he was gonna find Jack and show him his dead parents and tell him it was all Hotch's fault...But Hotch was able to hit him and climb on top of him...Then that's when the Reaper was done for...Hotch just started punching him, then slamming his head against the floor...And every time he did it would flash back to a scene of Haley's dead body, then to the time Hotch was in the hospital, and all the other people the Reaper had killed...
Finally Morgan, a team member pulled him off...Hotch ran upstairs and found his son hiding in a box...Safe and sound...He told Jack to go outside...Then Hotch went back to his wife's body and cried while holding her...
That was the most sad, horrible...just yeah...
I cried.
(Link to a site that better explains what happened...)
I just got done watching THE most heart wrenching episode of Criminal Minds...I can't believe it...
It's the episode '100'...And in it (I'm just gonna tell yall anyway 'cuz I really don't think your ever gonna watch it) Agent Hotchner, the head honcho, leader of the team, the boss of the F.B.I. agents, whatever...Well, they worked a case in an earlier episode where this guy was killing people and he always called the lead investigator of the team and offered them a deal, if they stopped looking for him he would stop killing people...And he offered Hotch that but of course Hotch said no...After awhile though it turned out the real killer was a man they had thought was a victim of the killer (The killer, A.K.A. the Reaper, had stabbed himself a ton to convince people the killer had attacked him- that's how sick he is)....Anyways, in the end of that episode the Reaper got away...And that's was the first, but not the last time we saw him...
Later in another episode the Reaper breaks into Hotch's apartment (he had become like obsessed with torturing Hotch) and stabbed Hotch like nine times...But don't worry Hotch wasn't killed...See the Reaper (because he's psycho) stabbed him then dropped him off at a hospital under a false name...Just so he could freak him out and mess with him...And it's while Hotch is in the hospital that the Reaper kind of reveals that he plans on harming Hotch's family...So Hotch has them placed in protection...
After that we don't really hear much about the Reaper until...Hotch is working another case where he has to go to a prison to talk to another mass murder/freak guy and the guy tells Hotch that the Reaper is still after him...
Then the episode '100' is after that...And that's the sad episode...'Cuz the Reaper finds Haley and Jack, Hotch's ex-wife and son...After he found the officer who was watching over them and tortured him (by shooting him in both legs, one foot, and cut off several fingers- Ow, I felt so bad for him- he died). The officer didn't give up anything about where Haley and Jack were hidden, but the Reaper found them by using the officer's phone. He called every # on it until he found Haley's. Then he told her that he was an officer and that her location had been compromised and that the Reaper (him) was after them...And to add to the twisted-ness of this man he told her that Hotch had been murdered. After that he told her to met him at her and Hotch's old house so that he could put her in a safe house. And she did...
The whole time this is happening Hotch and the team are trying to figure out where he would take Haley and they use the profile they had made of the Reaper, it's where they analyze what the Reaper kills for and stuff, and they took a guess that he was taking them to Hotch's old house (and they were correct).
Once at the house the Reaper calls Hotch and puts it on speaker phone (him, Haley, and Jack) are all in the living room. Hotch begins to talk to Haley and she realizes that he was never dead and that the officer with them is actually the Reaper, and she knows that he is going to kill her...And Hotch knows this to...That he can't get there in time to save her...And it was so so so sad...Hotch told his son to go hide, then he was telling her to show him (the Reaper) no fear, because that's exactly what he wanted...And she told him to tell their son how they met and everything about love because that was the most important thing in life...And the entire time they were talking everyone else on the team was listening...So they heard every sad detail...Then the Reaper shot her...
When Hotch finally reached the house he went in and found Haley dead in their bedroom...The Reaper had slit her wrists and throat...Then he saw that the Reaper was hiding behind the curtains...He shot him like six times, but it turned out he was wearing a bullet proof vest...They started fighting and ended up falling down the stairs and fighting in the dining room...They smashed through the table and the Reaper seemed to be winning...He had smashed a glass bowl on top of Hotch's head...Then he pulled out a knife and said after he killed Hotch he was gonna find Jack and show him his dead parents and tell him it was all Hotch's fault...But Hotch was able to hit him and climb on top of him...Then that's when the Reaper was done for...Hotch just started punching him, then slamming his head against the floor...And every time he did it would flash back to a scene of Haley's dead body, then to the time Hotch was in the hospital, and all the other people the Reaper had killed...
Finally Morgan, a team member pulled him off...Hotch ran upstairs and found his son hiding in a box...Safe and sound...He told Jack to go outside...Then Hotch went back to his wife's body and cried while holding her...
That was the most sad, horrible...just yeah...
I cried.
(Link to a site that better explains what happened...)
To Klemey.
Root canal: A treatment in which diseased tissue from this part of the tooth is removed and the resulting cavity is filled with an inert material.
Where is your boy tonight? I hope he is a gentleman. (52/100)
Hahaha, Rai your story was soooo funny! I loved how you had NO texts and only one message after saying EVERYONE loved you...Hahaha. And the Lady Gaga bit was funny...Now I know why she was in jail in 'Telephone'...Haha, get it? (that was a lame try at a joke)
So my dentist appointment was alright....It was my last one till October! Yay!
They fixed my cavities on my top left side then worked on my left front tooth...She said it was very unusual that my tooth would still be in there (the one they put in there after I knocked them out). She said I must be taking very good care of it. Then she put something on it that is suppose to make it stronger, she said with that stuff on hopefully I won't have to get a root canal...What the hell is a root canal? Does it hurt?
Well, I'ma go now!
How was your guy's days?
So my dentist appointment was alright....It was my last one till October! Yay!
They fixed my cavities on my top left side then worked on my left front tooth...She said it was very unusual that my tooth would still be in there (the one they put in there after I knocked them out). She said I must be taking very good care of it. Then she put something on it that is suppose to make it stronger, she said with that stuff on hopefully I won't have to get a root canal...What the hell is a root canal? Does it hurt?
Well, I'ma go now!
How was your guy's days?
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Where'd you go...
I miss you so.
Seems like it's been forever that you've been gone.
This blog seems so HUGE.
I feel so small.
I should come by more often.
Seems like it's been forever that you've been gone.
This blog seems so HUGE.
I feel so small.
I should come by more often.
She's a Maniac. Chapter 10.
"Yeah! Can you believe it?!" Diana exclaimed while paddling the boat to the dock. "The most famous pop star of the decade! And we have to capture her and bring her to Malcomn." Rai was still in shock and staring at the folder. Her most favorite singer, Lady GaGa.
Apparently Gaga has been a bad girl. A very, very bad bad girl. She has conspired with some of the worst most-wanted felons in the world! Rai thought about it and decided that she wasn't actually that surprised after all. GaGa was pretty extreme, yet unique. Vulgar, yet clever. Racy, yet retro. Funny enough, Rai's phone rang.
"Po po po poker face, Po po poker face! Mah mah mahhh!"
It was Clarissa. Rai answered and Clarissa seemed calm. "So what's in the folder Smith gave you?"
"Lady GaGa." Rai answered, hoping she didn't have to explain. Truth be told, Rai didn't want to read all the allegations against her American Idol.
Clarissa understood her restrain. "I see," she said, "well what's the deadline?"
"Uhm, looks like...we have a month." Rai replied rumpling through the 2 inch folder.
"Well then, let's do this!" Clarissa hung up sounding rather excited. It freaked Rai out sometimes.
Rai and Diana reached the dock and climbed out of the boat. Once Rai reached her car, she knew there would be hundreds of missed calls and text messages. Rai was very loved and everyone knew it.
Rai turned her phone on and took a deep breath. WHAT?!
1 Missed Call, no new text messages.
"WTF is wrong with those people?!!? Don't they care about me?!" Rai started to cry. She fell to her knees and buried her face in her hands. She looked up to the sky and cried out "Why is this happening to me?!?!" Suddenly, she was hit with a rock in her back.
"Ouch, you bitch! What's your problem?!!?" Rai screamed. As she turned around she saw that some little boy had thrown the rock.
"Come Jimmy! Stay away from the crazy lady!" Said his mother as she ran up to him.
Rai thought about her current position. She was now on one knee grasping the gravel beneath her wings, I mean her body. Rai got up and dusted herself off. She frowned at her phone and jumped into the car to drive back to the airport.
Why does it feel like I'm forgetting something?? Oh, yeah! Diana!!
Rai looked around like a maniac. Turns out Diana had left once Rai was screaming to the heavens. She couldn't afford to be seen with Rai sometimes.
Apparently Gaga has been a bad girl. A very, very bad bad girl. She has conspired with some of the worst most-wanted felons in the world! Rai thought about it and decided that she wasn't actually that surprised after all. GaGa was pretty extreme, yet unique. Vulgar, yet clever. Racy, yet retro. Funny enough, Rai's phone rang.
"Po po po poker face, Po po poker face! Mah mah mahhh!"
It was Clarissa. Rai answered and Clarissa seemed calm. "So what's in the folder Smith gave you?"
"Lady GaGa." Rai answered, hoping she didn't have to explain. Truth be told, Rai didn't want to read all the allegations against her American Idol.
Clarissa understood her restrain. "I see," she said, "well what's the deadline?"
"Uhm, looks like...we have a month." Rai replied rumpling through the 2 inch folder.
"Well then, let's do this!" Clarissa hung up sounding rather excited. It freaked Rai out sometimes.
Rai and Diana reached the dock and climbed out of the boat. Once Rai reached her car, she knew there would be hundreds of missed calls and text messages. Rai was very loved and everyone knew it.
Rai turned her phone on and took a deep breath. WHAT?!
1 Missed Call, no new text messages.
"WTF is wrong with those people?!!? Don't they care about me?!" Rai started to cry. She fell to her knees and buried her face in her hands. She looked up to the sky and cried out "Why is this happening to me?!?!" Suddenly, she was hit with a rock in her back.
"Ouch, you bitch! What's your problem?!!?" Rai screamed. As she turned around she saw that some little boy had thrown the rock.
"Come Jimmy! Stay away from the crazy lady!" Said his mother as she ran up to him.
Rai thought about her current position. She was now on one knee grasping the gravel beneath her wings, I mean her body. Rai got up and dusted herself off. She frowned at her phone and jumped into the car to drive back to the airport.
Why does it feel like I'm forgetting something?? Oh, yeah! Diana!!
Rai looked around like a maniac. Turns out Diana had left once Rai was screaming to the heavens. She couldn't afford to be seen with Rai sometimes.
Adventures of Walmart Girls,
Lady GaGa,
Monday, April 19, 2010
Bennet After Venice. (51/100)
(2 minutes earlier)
Rai smiled as Chris swung his arms around crazily on the dance floor. He was mocking their first dance as Mr. and Mrs. Brown. "You know I love you..." He sang to her as he dropped his arms and held out his hand for her. "And I love you too!" She said back as she put her hand in his. They began to sway back and forth to the beat and that's when Rai looked up toward the center of the dance floor.
"Crap!" Rai stopped dancing immediately. "What?" Chris stopped to. Rai pointed to the middle of the floor. "This is not going to be good..." There dancing with a women, who Rai figured was the infamous bimbo she had heard about (because she was decked out in a ten times slutty-er version of the red dress Klemey was wearing), was Matthew. Rai found Klemey just a second before Matthew's eyes fell upon the sight of Klemey being rubbed down by her date. "SHI..." Rai watched how Matthew's face turned tomato red. He let go of the Bimbos hand and started toward Klemey, leaving the bimbo pouting and calling out 'Babes' after him. With the look on his face Rai thought he just might start smoking out of his ear, clearly he was pissed. Rai had to do something before he got to them, but he was already just a foot away. "MATTHEW NO!" Chris and her reached Klemey and them just as Matthew shoved the Love God. "What the hell is this?" He looked at Klemey. "GET OFF MY WOMAN!" Matthew's face was scrunched up. "You little piece of shi.." Angel interrupted him. "Matthew calm down..." Now Angel, Gio, Chris, and the Love God were surrounding Matthew and Klemey. Klemey looked a little confused. "What the hell?" She let out. "I am NOT you woman." Now she was reddening with anger. Matthew turned back to her. "Who is this? HUH? You are such a slut!" Matthew yelled in her face. "Hey man you should really calm down..." Chris put his hand on his shoulder. "Get off!" Matthew shoved it off. Just then the bimbo came through the crowd. Klemey looked at her through tears. "OH! YOUR ONE TO TALK YOU HIPPOCRATE! LOOK AT YOUR STUPID BIT..." Again Angel stepped in. "Come on Klemey let's go..." She grabbed Klemey's hand and tried to pulled her toward the door. "I am so sick and tired of you Angel! Always getting in the way of me and her!" Matthew now turned on Angel who was equally as shocked as Klemey. " YOUR SUCH A CONTROL BITCH!" Before Angel could even grasped what Matthew had said the Love God grabbed his shoulder and spun him around, then he drew his arm back and flung it forward, slamming his fist into Matthew's face.
...To Be Continued...
Bennet In Venice,
Chris Brown,
Klemeys Post,
Bennet After Venice. (50/100)
Angel barely noticed Gio attempt at dancing with her as she watched the Love God lead Klemey to the floor. He wrapped his right arm around her waist and pulled her oh so close to him. He grabbed her hand with his free hand and began to move with her. He spun her and her skirt spun beautifully as she went in circles. Then he pulled her back and and smiled. That's when he shot a look at Gio like 'Ha! Beat that.'
Gio twirled Angel and and pulled her to him, dipping her. He shot a look right back at the Love God, then leaned in and kissed Angel. He made sure it was a long kiss too. Angel who was shocked looked at the Love God. There was a moment, just a moment, where his face twisted with some kind of emotion, just what emotion she couldn't tell, then it switched to a cold one.
The Love God raised an eyebrow and smirked at Gio. Then he pulled Klemey down so that he was holding her, without his arms around her she would've fell to the floor. He looked at Angel and leaned his lips to Klemey neck, but just as they came to touching her skin he pulled back and ran his hand along her neck to her back. Then in a flash pulled her back upright. "Wow..." Klemey said as he spun her again and pulled her to him. He looked back at Gio and his smile widen then he looked at Angel and blew her a kiss.
"Mother Fuc..." Gio dropped Angel's hand and took a step toward the Love God's direction. Gio never finished his sentence, because as he took another step. Rai let out with a scream, "MATTHEW NO!"
Gio twirled Angel and and pulled her to him, dipping her. He shot a look right back at the Love God, then leaned in and kissed Angel. He made sure it was a long kiss too. Angel who was shocked looked at the Love God. There was a moment, just a moment, where his face twisted with some kind of emotion, just what emotion she couldn't tell, then it switched to a cold one.
The Love God raised an eyebrow and smirked at Gio. Then he pulled Klemey down so that he was holding her, without his arms around her she would've fell to the floor. He looked at Angel and leaned his lips to Klemey neck, but just as they came to touching her skin he pulled back and ran his hand along her neck to her back. Then in a flash pulled her back upright. "Wow..." Klemey said as he spun her again and pulled her to him. He looked back at Gio and his smile widen then he looked at Angel and blew her a kiss.
"Mother Fuc..." Gio dropped Angel's hand and took a step toward the Love God's direction. Gio never finished his sentence, because as he took another step. Rai let out with a scream, "MATTHEW NO!"
...To Be Continued...
Bennet After Venice. (49/100)
Finally about an hour after they had all agreed to met at the club Klemey rolled in. "Hey everybody!" She was smiling and wearing a very sexy red dress that hugged her body in all the right places and fluffed out near the bottom so it would definitely swirl around when she spun around. Her hair was in a messy bun and had a red feather, matching her dress, sticking out of it. "See I told you..." Rai yelled to Angel. "Fashionably late." Klemey waved to them all and walked to them. To Angel's horror the Love God was right behind her, she was holding his hand leading him to their table.
"Hey everyone! Sorry we're late!" She sat down in a chair next to Rai as he pulled up another one for himself and placed it next to Angel. "Well Klemey, who this?" Chris sat up in his chair. Klemey seemed to be filled with excitement, much to Angel's dismay. Was her reason for being late really have to do with fashion (or something else)? "This is just a friend from the coffee shop I go to...He was free tonight and wanted to tag along.." The Love God held his hand out for Chris to shake. "Nice to meet everyone." He smiled then looked at Angel, his smile changing. "Hi." That was meant just for her. Angel smiled. "Hi." She said back. "So are we drinking or not?" Klemey waved over a waiter and ordered another round.
The waiter brought six glasses full of a pink drink and set them on the table. "So..." The Love God leaned in toward Angel and whispered. "You look very good tonight." Gio noticed this and set his glass back on the table a little roughly and cleared his throat. "You know I don't recall your name bud..." Gio put his arm around Angel and squinted at the Love God. "Aren't you here with Klemey?" The Love God sat back in his chair and looked Gio up and down before answering. "So this is your husband?" He asked Angel and she nodded. "Well," He continued looking at Gio. "Like I said earlier it's nice to meet everyone, even you." Gio looked at Angel with a 'WTF?' look on his face. Angel noticed how the Love God hadn't offered his hand to shake to Gio. "Excuse me? But you sound like you know my wife..." Gio wasn't trying to hide his dislike anymore. "How exactly do you know her?" Angel answered for him. "We met at the coffee shop, the one Klemey goes to..." Rai had taken notice of the tension between the three in front of her. "Anyone feel like dancing?" She suggested to break'em up before it got out of control. "Oh! I do!" Klemey jumped up and grabbed the Love God's hand. The other two couples followed.
"Hey everyone! Sorry we're late!" She sat down in a chair next to Rai as he pulled up another one for himself and placed it next to Angel. "Well Klemey, who this?" Chris sat up in his chair. Klemey seemed to be filled with excitement, much to Angel's dismay. Was her reason for being late really have to do with fashion (or something else)? "This is just a friend from the coffee shop I go to...He was free tonight and wanted to tag along.." The Love God held his hand out for Chris to shake. "Nice to meet everyone." He smiled then looked at Angel, his smile changing. "Hi." That was meant just for her. Angel smiled. "Hi." She said back. "So are we drinking or not?" Klemey waved over a waiter and ordered another round.
The waiter brought six glasses full of a pink drink and set them on the table. "So..." The Love God leaned in toward Angel and whispered. "You look very good tonight." Gio noticed this and set his glass back on the table a little roughly and cleared his throat. "You know I don't recall your name bud..." Gio put his arm around Angel and squinted at the Love God. "Aren't you here with Klemey?" The Love God sat back in his chair and looked Gio up and down before answering. "So this is your husband?" He asked Angel and she nodded. "Well," He continued looking at Gio. "Like I said earlier it's nice to meet everyone, even you." Gio looked at Angel with a 'WTF?' look on his face. Angel noticed how the Love God hadn't offered his hand to shake to Gio. "Excuse me? But you sound like you know my wife..." Gio wasn't trying to hide his dislike anymore. "How exactly do you know her?" Angel answered for him. "We met at the coffee shop, the one Klemey goes to..." Rai had taken notice of the tension between the three in front of her. "Anyone feel like dancing?" She suggested to break'em up before it got out of control. "Oh! I do!" Klemey jumped up and grabbed the Love God's hand. The other two couples followed.
...To Be Continued...
Bennet After Venice. (48/100)
Angel spun her bracelet around her wrist and stared into her glass. Gio had just come back from the bar with another round for everyone. "So where do you think she is?" Angel raised her voice over the music to ask Rai. "Oh Klemey? You know she probably just fashionably late..." Rai took a swig of her own drink and bounced to the music. "WHOOO-HOOO!!!" She yelled toward the D.J. "PLAY SOME KESHA!!!!" Gio leaned over to Angel ear. "Honey can we go dance now?" They had been there for about half an hour and had spent the entire time just sitting st the table. "No!" Angel snapped, then grabbed Gio's hand apologetically. "I'm Sorry, it's just I'm worried about Klemey...You know I don't like it when she doesn't call, especially after the whole kidnapping thing...." Angel turned her eyes from Gio's understanding face to the club doors. If only he knew that wasn't the real reason Angel wanted Klemey to get here and now...Was she really going to ask him out?
...To Be Continued...
Bennet In Venice,
Klemeys Post,
I Caught Fire. (47/100)
By The Used is a good song...
So I wanna watch Glee but I don't wanna just start watching it I wanna see it from the begging...From episode one...But I can't find a good website or anything on the internet...Gah...
It looks good...
'I'm melting...In your eyes I lost my place...Can stay awhile...'
Well, I'm bored...
Angel- I didn't go to that meeting today after school...
Rai- Sorry I didn't help you with the banner...
Klemey- Stop being a lazy mofo....
So I wanna watch Glee but I don't wanna just start watching it I wanna see it from the begging...From episode one...But I can't find a good website or anything on the internet...Gah...
It looks good...
'I'm melting...In your eyes I lost my place...Can stay awhile...'
Well, I'm bored...
Angel- I didn't go to that meeting today after school...
Rai- Sorry I didn't help you with the banner...
Klemey- Stop being a lazy mofo....
I will

SO heres what happen on GLEE
if you lived in a cave or just got of prison
Will took over the glee club
at first they were terrible but then they got kinda good
Quinn got pregnant and said it finn but really it was pucks
and will's wife terry was pregnant but it was a lie cuz she was just scared that will like emma
and then they kissed
rachel loves that she and finn are glees power couple but he seem a little wierd about it
and sue try to through sectionals but they won anyway
pretty exciting
thats what you missed on glee
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