Monday, May 31, 2010

Check it.

Random Place. (94/100).

The Bagel Factory.




can u name a random place in town please?
I'm working on a project for Bennet and I need a location.
Oh and call me or Angel asap, we want to work out tomorrow morning at 9 at wendler and walk/play tennis, laugh, all that good stuff hehe so let us know if you can go!

Check It Out. (93/100).





Polyvore. (92/100).

I have an idea. Give me half an hour, then I shall respond to your posts.



How I have changed over the years...

Of course, we all change sometime in our lives. I feel that I am more in touch with my inner feelings and understand the world a little bit better.

Scenario: A person sends me an awful text message.
Old me: I would reply the message and create a huge argument between 3 people.
Current me: I take a few deep breathes. Think about the consequences and then delete the text.

Scenario: A person calls me a "know-it-all".
Old me: I would argue with them and tell them I'm not a know-it-all.
Current me: Thank them for thinking I know everything there is to know in the world.

Scenario: A person says I always think I'm right.
Old me: I would argue about that being wrong.
Current me: I sit and think (again) about becoming a lawyer. haha jk Believe it or not, I confess when I know I'm not right. But when I know I'm right, I'm pretty sure.

If I had to choose whether to erase the past or look into the future, I would choose to see the future. Having a glimpse of what is in store for me would eliminate many worries and stresses, but may cause new ones. I wouldn't erase the past because all memories would be gone. We all make mistakes and many of us try not to think about or re-live a moment in history. But I wouldn't want to loose all the great memories I think about all the time.

I may not seem like a good friend at times, but I really do try. At times, I try too hard and end up hurting myself in the end. And then there are times where I don't try at all, and I end up hurting other people. It's really hard to find a happy medium with friendships. People are so different and need you a certain percentage in their lives. There are some friends who may only need you 10% in their life, while others may need you 75%. And it feels like if you violate the acknowledged percentage, you end up looking like a bad friend.You look either too clingy (10%) or like you don't care (75%).
I have had many different types of friendships in my life.
I've had the very first best friend I can think back to who never wore the friendship necklace I bought her. I've had the friend who acted like my friend but talked really badly about me behind my back. I've had the friends who were younger and acted like they were smarter than me. I've had the friend who ditched her old friends for new ones. I've had the friend who only thought about herself. I've had the best friend who changed into the complete opposite of what I knew of her. I've had the friends who have treated me like crap. And now I have the friends who actually support me and believe in me and my dreams.
Don't ask, I just felt like typing out my feelings.
Klemey, you sounded upset on the phone, I hope you aren't angry because we didn't go to the party. I hope you understand, we weren't actually invited by her and it wasn't really in the plan. I know you wanted us to go and it wouldn't have been awkward for you, but it would have been awkward for us, well for me at least, can't really speak for Angel.
Note to Bennet: Everything is closed on Memorial Day, even the bus routes.
Angel, you have to give "Never say Never" by JB another chance!!
Blog readers: Don't you dare follow us to Hollywood, LA, California on August 23, 2010. Our flight number is 945 and it leaves at 5:00pm at the airport in Anchorage, AK. We're staying at the Hilton on 5th avenue. If we see random people following us (3 gorgeous girls wearing Bennet shirts) onto our flight or our hotel room, we are going to contact the police. So don't try it.
Quotes I live by:
"If you want something done right, then you have to do it yourself."
"The only stupid question is the one not asked."
"Those who actually solve problems, spend very little time complaining about them."
I'm gonna use the weight-watchers website to work on my weight loss journey, without having to actually join. =]


i need to fart!

Bieber Fever..

I have it.

Rai's Interview.

Eighteen Magazine Editor Kristin Cavalleri took time out her busy schedule to interview the ever-so-wonderful Rai from the hot new band Bennet!. Kristin asked Rai questions about her bandmates, philosophy of life, and love.

KC: So as we both know very well, Bennet! is climbing the charts as we speak. How are you and your bandmates Klemey and Angel handling the overnight fame?
Rai: Well, Kristin, we are just taking it slow. The paparazzis and stalker-azzis can be pretty outrageous, but that's why we have bodyguard. -laughs- But other than the creepers, we're enjoying the lime-light!

KC: What was the weirdest gift you have gotten from a fan?
Rai: Oh, wow...there have been so many weird one. The absolute worst was one I received in the mail. A month ago Klemey made me a little monster for Graduation, and I have taken pictures with it, and I guess someone in the world wanted to "re-create" it..and they failed. Horribly. It's not only an insult to my little monster, but to Klemey. Klemey is the most creative person out there.

KC: What song currently describes your life?
Rai: I would have to say.."All the Right Moves" by One Republic and "Happy" by Leona Lewis. "All the Right Moves" reminds me that there will always be people in this world who have it better than us. And I relate to it even more now that we're famous because I look at Britney Spears and Rihanna, and realize they achieved greatness on their own, while the 3 of us need each other for our band to cooperate. "Happy" is my new anthem. All I ever think or talk about is just doing whatever makes you happy. At the end of the day, it is just you and only you can control your happiness.

KC: Do you have anyone special in your life at the moment, besides family and friends?
Rai: -laughs- Kinda, I'm sort of seeing someone. He's just my type. He's sweet, kind, caring, and amazingly talented. He's honest with me, has that gangsta swagga, famous! -laughs again-

KC: Are you going to share this mystery man?
Rai:'s Chris Brown!

KC: I knew it! You two look so cute together! Thank you again Rai for being here today!
Rai: Thank you for inviting me! It was my pleasure. Ooh, I love your shoes!

Bennet After Venice. (91/100).

"Hey Rai, guess what..." Angel turned to Rai. They had given up walking aimlessly in the dark and had sat down in the middle of the hallway they were in. "What?" Rai sighed out. "Gio's opening his own restruant..." Rai turned to Angel. "What?!?! Angel, that's great! He's always wanted that...Oh, I'm happy for you guys!" Rai smiled, hoping Angel could see. "Thanks...I'm happy for him to..."
"How come your just now telling me?" Rai asked. "Well, we were gonna tell everybody tonight, but as you can see that got interrupted..." Rai chuckled. "Tonight is soooo not what we planned." Rai thought back to Chris, he said he was going to tell her something tonight, but now she'd have to wait till they got out of this club to find out what he meant, if ever they did. "There you guys are! Oh my goodness! I've been up and down the walls of this club looking for you!" Both Angel and Rai turned to see the Love God standing at the end of the hall, or at least what they thought was the Love God. "Hey!" Angel called out and started to get to her up. "Let me help you!" He walked over and offered his hand to pull her up. "Thanks..." Angel smiled, he slowly let go of her hand. Rai still on the floor cleared her throat. "Umm, I'm still on the floor..."

...To Be Continued...

Do You Believe In Love? (90/100).

God, I don't wanna go though...I don't wanna get all wet from water balloons, why couldn't they do something else? God.

I wanted to hang out with you guys.

Skyler is a weirdo...Not in a bad way. Just weirdly honest.

You guys never answered me...What are your 'types' when it comes to guys?

I exercised today! I was so freaking sweaty...Ew.

I gotta decide what to wear tomorrow...Ew, water balloons.

We need to come up with code names for our friends like Gabe, Nikki, and Courtney...Once we do I'm go through all our old posts and change them every time we talked about them...

I wanna sleep.



Hey angel:)

Hey klemy:)

tell court-o feliz cumpleanos!

and its okay you should go to her b-day she is one of your closest

friends you should speend time with her and julio:)(aka nikki) hasnt seen you in fuh-ever!

and probaly gabe is going and he might need a friend there!

we'll hang out next week since you'll got jobs:)

i mean this is life we'll have to postpone cuz job schedules are stupid><

but next week w'ell make it a bennet day in!

so enjoy your self and have fun!

you deserve klemy.

i miss you:(

but i ll get to see you sometime:)

i ll take it off silence!

.....but it may be pout back on:p

well.....i m go....

cuz...i need to be in my bed!


i wanna hear more about the northway mall hottie!

Gaaaah. (89/100).



No, it's okay Klemey, you go ahead and have fun! We'll plan this another time when everybody's free.

Rai. (88/100).

That was rude! :) Don't read my drafts....And no...I want you guys to come. It won't be awkward for me...But if you feel it necessary to postpone I won't stop you...But let me tell you once more...That I want you guys to come! And we can go out to eat after and see a movie...I don't wanna cancel 'cuz we already had this planned and I wanna see Angel! I haven't seen or talked to her since the bike ride!



Sunday, May 30, 2010

Bennet Day In..

will be postponed.. Klemey you should go to her birthday since she's going to yours...we can hang another day! =]

Tell her Happy Birthday for me!

I Want Jessie's Girl. (87/100).

So I have some news to tell you...But it's kind of in code so check your emails before reading my next post...

Anyways, Rai I tried calling you to ask you....So Courtney asked me to go to Goose Lake tomorrow for a water balloon fight for her 17th B-Day (which is tomorrow) and I asked her if it would be alright if you two can come and she said yeap...So if yall want to we can..It's around 1 o'clock...But if you guys don't want to fine...Hey, just thought about this..It'd be like a perfect chance for us to show off our Bennet shirts!

Angel, you never answer your phone...For me.



My hubby is...

so sexy.


the only place that I KNOW will be open tomorrow at 11 is "A Taste of Thai"..on Old Seward..

Before we decide I have to call Shangri La, Thai Orchid, and Yak & Yeti (a himilayan restaurant) TOMORROW to see if they are open, because they are closed on Sundays.
I will not stop until I have answers.
I. Want. Thai. Or. Indian. Food. Now.


I hope your grandpa copes alright..that is so sudden!
At least she's in a better place now. This world and life can be extremely stressful and tiring.
Please send my condolences to your grandpa.



If I'm Gonna Tell It, Then I Gotta Tell It All. (86/100).

To Angel: I loved your little list of things we need to do this summer...Haha, for the movies one, where we would watch old 80's movies, I've seen both those movies suggested on there! :)

And (ew!) pretzels and potato chips to cookie dough?

Also for dating another type of guy...Who did you mean by Aaron? Aaron Green? or Aaron Hot Football Guy? Cuz if it's Green, yeah that would never happen...And the Football guy is 21...I'd be jail bait...Ooooor are you talking about Anerexic? Your probably not though seeing as he is my type I think....

What do you think my type is?

What are your guys types?

I wanna know!!!!

We should totally celebrate France's Independence day! That would be cool! I can check out some books about France from the library...

I don't think I'd ever add bananas to my smores....Ever.

To Rai: HAHAHAHAHA! I loved those videos...My favorite part of the Stephanie Prints Labels was when Brody hit that girl and was like, 'Yo b*tch! Those teeth are mad bright I told you not to smile unless I have my sunglasses on!' I was laughing so hard...

And I'ma ask my dad if I can go to your house 2morrow...And card games sound fun...Haha, in The Hangover they counted cards... :)

Looking at you old yearbooks sounds fun!

AH! I wanna see that Easy A movie...I've read that book, Sophomore year!

Oh and Rai, there is no option F for what hotel we're staying in...Haha, I pick...A.

Anyways, so some other news...Last night after work when I got home my mom and family told me that my Gramps' girlfriend, Kathy, was in the hospital...She had stopped breathing earlier that night...The doctors told them that it didn't look good...She was pronounced brain dead...Then around 12:30 am last night she died...It was pretty shocking...I don't know how my Gramps is doing...We're going over there today...

It's so weird 'cuz I just saw her two days ago and she was fine...

I believe I have eaten all of the marsh mellows out of our lucky charms...Ew! Spider on my ceiling!

Well, I gotta go.



17 things WE need to do this SuMmEr!

( )1. Ride a ferris wheel with a cute guy! When you're at the top, you might just be inspired to make a move!
[i plan to do this move when the state fair comes:)]

( )2. Add pretzels or potato chips to cookie dough and bake. the salty-sweet mix will ensure even your taste buds have fun!

( )3. Make a funny video with your friends.(these girls made one for jesse mCcartney "body language" at you'll die over your own bloopers.

( )4.Take a chance on a guy who's not necessarily your type. a diffrent kind of guy will teach you something about relationships!
[hey klemy you should go with aaron:)][ tell ur mom to take a pic:D]
( )5. Host a fright night. Break out the scariest movies, then see if you can get to sleep without checking under the bed.

( )6. Rent a tandem bicycle (built for two) with your bff for a day!
(in this case we are gonna have to find one where three peeps can ride!)

( )7. Suprise your friends with a water ballon fight But don't hurl those suckers too hard. they can hurt!

( )8. Volunteer at an animal shelter-its all fun of having a pet without the responsibility of having to scoop his poop.

( )9. pick up guide book for a country you want to visit.

( )10. Wacth a classic '80s movies like Girls just wanna hve fun(SJP before Carrie) or Can't buy me love (early McDreamy!)
[I say the breakfast club:)]

( )11. Make cheese fondue and wear a beret in honor of Bastille Day(France's Independece day) on july 14

( )12. Use the ultimate excuse to get close int he dark-take a midnight swim with your cutest guy friend
[sucks i'll never to thaT:P at this precise age:}]

( )13. Add strawberry and banna slices to your s'mores recipe,just because. Yummm.

( )14. Reread yoour favorite children's books.(Remember Goodnight Moon and A light in the Attic?)it's cuddly to reexperience things you use to love.

( )15. Be food-fearless by trying something diffrent-like indian,israeli,or ethopian specialites

( )16. Send a care package to a solider aboroad. Check out'll get an instant warm and fuzzy feeling.
[gonna do this asap!] [rai you can write letters to them!you never know you might fall in love with someone!]

( )17. Get noticed at the beach-put a heart shaped sticker on your stomach(and peel it back to reveal a tan tattoo!
[i'll do this when i get fit and healthy!]

thanks seventeen magnize!



Memorial Day get-together..

What are you guys thinking?
Will you guys be able to come?
What do you want to eat Angel?
Would you guys want to play card games?
(example: go fish, slap jack, rummy, speed, 21, etc..)
What else would you want to watch after we're done with the..4-5 episodes of the Hills?
(minus commercials, we'll save 15 minutes!)
Do you want to look at my old yearbooks?
Would you want to watch a movie?
How long could you guys stay?

Saturday, May 29, 2010

For Angels eyes only..

just kidding Klemey! lol
I totally want to see that movie too! heehehe
So how's everything with the familia?

Favorite quotes from work today..

"You know the big furry.." "WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE!"

"This time I'll be the stalker!"

"Remember keep it real. Real safe."

"ABC. Always Be Clean."

"Teamwork makes the dream work."

"We need to get out of here.." -Tom hahahaaah

Easy A part 1 part 2

Quiz Results..

So we have all agreed on the following:
-We are staying in a beachfront house
Oh, Angel, historic hotel just looks like hotels from the 20s. Like the structure and furniture and stuff.
-We are gonna stay in Hollywood
Oh, Angel, venice beach is a part of mountain view, hillside, eastside, etc.
-We are going to a real concert while we are there

We still need to figure out the following:
-How long we're going to stay there
-How often we are eating out, but we can figure this out while we're there =]

WOAH. ok back it up now...there are no beachfront hotels in hollywood...there are usually in Malibu, Venice Beach, etc.
We need a re-vote.
1.) Which would you rather stay in?
a. Historic Hotel (modern hotels to resemble times as late as 1920s)
b. Boutique Hotel (hip and art-themed hotels)
c. Family Friendly Hotel (ideal for family's with children)
d. Bar Hotel (hotels with bars)
e. Luxury Hotel (glamorous and top of the line hotels)

Rai's pick: F

We Can Dance If We Want Too. (85/100).

Hello everybody! Angel wow it's sooo nice to know that you are alive! Ja-eesshhh!!! Take your phone off silence...I called like 3 times...PICK UP!

Anyways, Rai...If we hangout on Monday I pick either Italian or Chinese food...Haha, loved your example for Japanese food!

And that's gross about your leg...Good thing you found out it's infected.

Here are my answers:
1.) A, or B. (Haha, option E shouldn't even be on there considering we're not legally allowed to drink yet.)
2.) A, I guess.

3.) B or D.
4.) C and/or D.
5.) I like A, B, and C.
6.) I'll get back to you on this one!

Angel, Artie is freaking gorgeous! I wish they would give him some kind of make-over on Glee...

And ahy are you gonna throw away your teddy bear? I finished cleaning my room today! Yay! Just need to make my bed...

So Skyler invited me to his older brother's birthday party tomorrow...Should I go? It's at 12:30...We work at 5....I.D.K. I don't wanna start anything with him...

Angel, I'm sorry your having a bad week... :) It'll get better...Did you know we found out where Nate works...

Nate = Hot Guy From Psych.

Rai, sexy dress you picked out from Forever 21...I love that store.

So did I tell you guys about the cute guy who works at the football store in Northway? Hmmm, well if I didn't I'll just tell you now...

So on Monday I went to Northway to wait for Mr. Little so he could sign my reference paper...And I went to the football store to buy a soda, they're only 50 cents there...And I noticed the hot guy who's been working there for a couple of years was there...I grabbed my soda from the cooler and the other guy who works there (there's 3 dudes who work there) was standing by the cooler...He was like 'Good afternoon, how are you?' I said hi and told him I got a job...He said congrats...Then I went to the front counter (where the hot guy was) and he smiled (so cute) and said 'How are you?'...I smiled back and said great...Then I handed my 50 cents and he said 'Thank you' and I was like 'Thank you' (for the soda and the look!)...Haha, he is pretty cute!

Anyways, then then when my mom went on break we went back to the football store, I had told her I thought he was cute and she wanted to see who I was talking about...When we went in there as she was paying for her soda she was like 'This is my daughter!'. Bluntly, to him...I started laughing as we walked out...

Then today she comes home and tells me that she asked the other dude that works there what the hot guys name was...And it turns out it was his son! His name is Aaron...And he's 21! Then she told his dad that her daughter thinks his son is cute! I was like 'MOM!'...His dad told her that I was too young to do anything with him, but after I turned 18...

I was like...Mom you need to learn when NOT to say anything...Then I had to spend like 15 minutes explaining to her that his dad was probably gonna tell him that I think he's cute...

Well, I gotta go to bed now...Goodnight!



My motivation to achieve greatness...

This is my new motivation dress from Forever 21..I want to rock this dress!!

Ok you guys...even though graduation has come and gone, I am not stopping here! I am kicking it up a notch! =] Who's with me?!!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Goodbbye texting.

Ok so i m having just bad week.
-eyes itching
-might hav an f or a d meaning summer school
-fights with parents
-bill costing me $90 dollars for my phone (stpid lady said i had unlimted texting)
-blockbuster bill 15 and 8(paid for my bro)
-fight with older bro
-again today fought with the folks
-and again with mom for never answering my phone whihc mean gotta take off silence.
so right now i just wanna pretty much be in a swimming pool and float for a very longgg time.i really just wanna stay home and do nada.
no more texting only emergenices.
i thinking im gonna throw away my huge teddy bear. i think i need to get rid of a lot of stuff.

anways rai to ur cali questions here are my answers.

1.)a or b(define 1920s)
2.)a or c(define vencie beach)
5.) either one is fine:)
6.)i just wanna go to disney land or world and that street where starts out there hands and anything rad!i ll answer this when im more inforemd

p.s omg klemy when u did the artie befor ei was like omg.
i loved that epi with him doing that dance:)

California Questionnaire.

Klemey and Angel, please provide your answers in your next posts. I have included my answers below each question.

1.) Which would you rather stay in?
a. Beachfront Hotel (hotel on the beach)
b. Historic Hotel (modern hotels to resemble times as late as 1920s)
c. Boutique Hotel (hip and art-themed hotels)
d. Family Friendly Hotel (ideal for family's with children)
e. Bar Hotel (hotels with bars)
f. Luxury Hotel (glamorous and top of the line hotels)

Rai's pick: A or F

2.) Where in Los Angeles would you'd like to stay?
a. Hollywood
b. Beverly Hills
c. Venice Beach
d. Downtown Los Angeles
e. Hollywood Hills

Rai's pick: A or D

3.) How long would you like to stay in LA?
a. One week
b. Two weeks
c. Less than one week
d. More than 2 weeks

Rai's pick: A

4.) Which would you rather do?
a. Eat out every night at different restraunts
b. Room service every night
c. Switch between eating out and having room service
d. Buy our own food

Rai's pick: A

5.) Which would you be more interested in?
a. Attending a local concert
b. Attending an actual concert
c. Going to a taping of a tv show

Rai's pick: B

6.) Please give me 5 things you know you want to do in LA and 5 places you want to visit, as in go inside or take pics of. I want to plan enough time to do all the things we each want to do and more!

Rai wants to visit:
1. Hollywood walk of fame
3. Kodak Theater
4. Staples Center
5. Islamic Mosque

Rai wants to:
1. Go to a movie at a local theater
2. Eat at Katsuya
3. Go to a local event (ie. market, rally)
4. Go to the beach and chill
5. Go to a spa and get full treatment

I'm Torn..

I need your guys' help and inputs.
I keep thinking I have to change my major ASAP..but I don't really have to.
I think I will just keep with the classes I have, Guidance, Writing, Russian, Biology, and some computer class and see where I go from there.
But if I choose to change my major to Anthropology or International Studies, I would have taken that computer class for nothing..but I will just go with the flow.
But Klemey, my leg has been diagnosed as INFECTED. =[
But if you guys still wanna come over on Monday that would be awesome! We can watch Kristen be a bitch, while Spencer acts like a lunatic. heheh and Lemme know what type of food you guys want to eat! =]

-Italian (example: pasta)
-Chinese (example: shrimp fried rice)
-Japanese (example: i have none)
-Mexican (example: tacos)
-Seafood (example: fish and chips)
-American (example: pizza)..i hope you guys don't choose this one...we need to be more OPEN minded..especially me if I'm gonna major in International Studies hahah

From the U.S. Nation. (84/100).

"Oh baby, yoooou got what I neeeed...But you say he's just a friend..."

O.M.GOD. Artie from Glee is the guy from N.L.T.....Omg, he looks so f'ing nerdy as Artie...Why the hell did the producers of this show turn him into this...I mean they have this major hottie potential here and they're hiding him behind glasses, argyle sweaters, and a wheelchair...God, I just love the video for Safety Dance...

They took this...

And turned it into this...

Here's his band, N.L.T. His part starts at like 1:30...

This one starts off with him...

I think they all look the best in this one...They are so cute!

Well, that was my Artie moment...

Artie = Hottie Underneath.

Here's another video I love from Glee...Love the dancing....

Gonna go now...




Rai I read the California trip is cancalled post and my heart DROPPED then I read the just kidding part...and I was like 'Not Funny, just not funny at all...' (On the inside- I laughed.)

Thursday, May 27, 2010



It's your life...

So even though we cleaned today, I still had fun! I can totally see myself working the box office, concessions, even being an usher! =]

I love those little mics! I may even sing to entertain our customers while they are waiting in line!

Angel, remember that hot neighbor we took a look at on our Prom Adventure?? Well, I SAW HIM TODAY. AT THE THEATER. doing construction stuff. I KNOW that was him..heheheh

Klemey, which one? Miami, FL or Orlando, FL as plan B?? Would you want to go to Disney Land or whatever?

BTW Angel, if you haven't heard yet, Fireweed is closing on the 6th of June. So we need to enjoy it before it closes!! =[

The Last Song and Alice in Wonderland are still there! OMG When I lost my movie ticket stubs, I lost the stubs to Dear John, The Last Song, Hot Tub Time Machine..ughh

Call me you guys and tell me what you guys want to see!!

Here is the New American Idol, Lee Dewyze:

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


I was taking a trip down memory lane..on Yahoo answers and let me tell you..
I had a lot of problems sophmore and junior year, i asked SOO many questions!
I hated:
-my life
-other friends
-my parents
-and being broke!

And I found this one..its super old!

"Is this the most pathetic thing ever?
i wrote down all the reasons why i hate my life and then i was going to symbolically "throw them away" but i missed the freakin trash can.... ..honestly all i can do is laugh at myself lol"

HAHAHHHA I totally remember that happening to me! lol


is cancelled.
I am truly sorry.
just kidding
But I need to re-request that brochure on LA....


What's going on?
I haven't heard from you in...32 hours! woahhhh
I hope you're alright..

Haha. (83/100).

Rai, I loved your new and definitely improved lyrics for Cali...Scratch that..Last Frontier Girls! Ah! We so have to sing that when we go! I was thinking last night about all the stuff we have to bring! I started making a mental list...10 months is gonna go by quickly! I gotta get my stuff in order!

So I went through my movie tickets...What they said yesterday at orientation about movie buffs got me interested on just how many movies I seen...So here are my stats!

2005: 7

2006: 19

2007: 10

2008: 20

2009: 31

2010: 13

Wow, 2009 was definitely my biggest year! Well, I gotta go!



Not happy.

For some "odd" reason today I woke up and I'm not happy.

My leg hurts.
I keep coughing.
I'm hungry.
And I can't find my phone.



Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I am so tired.

So today was pretty long for me!
I woke up at 8am becuz I thought Angel was gonna come over but I was wrong.
Then I worked out for like 20 minutes, took the bus to the 5th avenue mall, bought 2 new black skirts that I feel more comfortable in, and some black stockings, and then got a subway and then came home.
It is now 1:44pm and I am ready to got to sleep!!

But Klemey, can't wait to see you today at Orientation/tour!
I can't believe Ms. C never called me back or anything..and she leaves for Singapore today with her family..but I got my two references and they faxed them to the number on the sheet! =]

Anyways, I have learned a lot from the Hills..

1. Spencer is crazy.
2. Heidi is brainwashed.
3. Holly rocks. (Heidi's sister)
4. Stephanie rules. (Spencer's sister)
5. Audrina is cool.
6. Lo is sweet.
7. Kristen is a b*tch.
8. Stacey is a s*ut.
9. Justin is weird.
10. Jayde is gorgeous.
11. Brody is a player.
12. Frankie is odd.
13. Enzo is a cutie.
14. Lauren is missed by her fans.
15. Whitney is smart for leaving the hills before anyone else.

My body is sore. I am tired. and I can't wait to go to Californiaaaaa.

Here are my new and improved "California Girls" lyrics..I present to you....

I know a place, where the sun is always u-up,
Cold, dry, and white, there must be something in the clouds.
Sippin hot cocoa, laying underneath a blanket. (oh yeah)
The boys, break their backs, try-na shovel the whole driveway. (thats right)

You could travel the world, but nothing comes close to frozen coast. Once you party with us, you'll be falling in love. oh-oh-oh-oh -oh

The Last Frontier girls, we're unforgettable. Cozy Uggs, and parkas on top. Ice kissed skin, so cold will freeze you to a stop. oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh

The Last Frontier girls, we're undeniable.
Hot, sweet, smart, we got you all locked
North coast represent, now put your hands up. oh-oh-oh-oh-oh

Sex, sex can wait,
we wanna wait till it's ti-ime (uh-huh)
We're sleak, and not cheap
La-dy Ga-Ga on the stero (she's cool)

The Last Frontier girls, we're unforgettable. Cozy Uggs, and parkas on top. Ice kissed skin, so cold will freeze you to a stop. oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh

The Last Frontier girls, we're undeniable.
Hot, sweet, smart, we got you all locked
coast represent, now put your hands up. oh-oh-oh-oh-oh


It's Laundry Day. (82/100).

Haha, Jason Mraz is so cool...I love his music...I love this song! :)

So I took the practice tests on that link you posted Angel...They were hecka easy...'Cept for the temperature one...I was like what? How am I suppose to know this? But I guess I'll just learn after I get them wrong and read the correct answers...Thanks for posting the link...It's the same exact one my mom's friend gave her...

Hmmm, I have 90 songs on my birthday play-list...




So this post is to whoever is leaving those little comments on our blog that lead to weird sites with girls on them...STOP IT!

It's annoying and irritating...And its really making me mad...Go get a life.


Silent Prayer For The Faith Departed. (80/100).

So orientation was just awesome! I still need to get my last reference though...But today we got our name tags and a official polo shirt! Ah, I love'em! Haha, I need to go back to Fred Meyers and trade in my one pair of pants out of the two we bought for another because they're too long...Anyways, you know Aaron Green? Yeah, he was there at the same time as me for orientation...It was so fun sitting next to him 'cuz he was pointing out to me how one of the manager dudes was checking out this manager girl every single time she walked by...He wasn't exactly sly about it...It was so obvious he was looking at her butt!

Anyways, so my Gramms got mad about having to drive me all the way out there to Target today...So there goes my rides in the future...I'm just gonna start riding the bus...It's only $25 for a monthly bus pass...I just don't wanna hear that my Gramms is complaining and crap...Gah, that made me sooooo mad, 'cuz she only gave me one ride today....Whatever, so the bus it is for me! Haha, hopefully no hobo's will get me! Pray for me!

Oh, today after I got dropped off around 4:30 pm for the orientation I decided to go into Target to hang out till 5 pm and I really had to go to the bathroom...When I found the restroom there was this dude standing outside them and at first I didn't see the door marked Women's Restroom I only saw the Family Use Bathroom and somebody was in it...So I asked the guy if that was the only bathroom...And he mumbled something about people being in it...I didn't hear him, but I just knodded my head and decided to wait for whoever was in the bathroom to finish...Then this woman walked out of this other room and that's when I saw the door marked Women's Restroom...I was like why didn't he tell me it was right there? Then I walked into it, 'cuz I really had to go...After I was done I went to wash my hands and right when I got to the sink someone opened the door and then shut it really quickly saying 'Opp'...It was the dude who I had asked where the bathroom was...I realized that he actually worked at Target and was waiting to clean the bathroom! Haha, when I walked out he was waiting by the door next to a cart of cleaning crap...He started to say something to me, but I cut him off and told him there was only one more woman in there...

Yeah, that was my weird Target experience....Haha, that made me think God, I'm going to be spending a lot of my breaks here...And I'm gonna have to get to know some people here...Haha, like the toilet boy....

Then there was this weird cute guy who was working in the movie section...I was walking around just browsing before I went to orientation...And I passed him, he was behind a cashier thingy and I didn' look at him, but in my head I was like 'Hmm, was he cute? I should look...' Then I started walking down an aisle of movies and I looked behind me and there he was...Like a weirdo...

Target is weird. Big, red, and weird.

I was soooo hungry during the orientation....So hungry.

Oh, Rai! Thanks for checking my email this morning! I really needed it! Stupid computer wasn't working!

Well, I gotta go to bed!




Skyler came over today for dinner...And I think he's coming over Wednesday too...I'll tell you about that tomorrow, I'm to tired now.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Website for your job

klmey i dont know if the lady gave you the website yet
but heres the one i had to take for prostart

it will take like a 1-2 week to get your card but when you go to the orientation u should print the paper that says you passed,
its easy peasy
goood luck!

o and i applied at forever 21 and jcpenny:)
cali here come the frontier girls:P

18 years.

So now that I am 18 years old and am considered an adult, I am going to change the way I roll.

-I am going to take time to learn more about my religion. "I don't know" or "I'm not sure" are no longer options.
-I am going to eat healthy and workout every single day. I am also going to keep a Food Diary.
-I am going to read two books at a time this summer. One will be "educational" and the other "pleasure". First up, The Scarlet Letter and Chasing Harry Winston.
-I am going to learn to manage my stress. I will do this through Yoga or Meditation or just plain of Therapy.
-I am going to start helping out around the house more. If I am going to live here, I need to start helping out more than usual.
-I am going to consider changing my major. I have until my Junior year to do so, but I want to know the path I'm going to take.
-I am going to try my best to work as many hours as I can (if all goes well with my references and orientation, SO HAPPY KLEMEY AND I HAVE THE SAME JOB!)
-I am going to make Angel and Klemey a great present for graduation.
-I am going to keep up with my netflix. I have like 3 dvds scattered around the house somewhere..all of them Mary-Kate and Ashley.
-I am going to increase my vocabulary. There is no excuse for "Observate."
-I am going to try to volunteer around town this summer.
-I am going to ride my bike everywhere until I get a car, just not to work. Sorry Angel! It would be late coming back home at 11pm!
-I am going to save for my Bucket List and Cali-for-niaaaaaa.
-I am going to talk to the Greek Corner guy tomorrow afternoon. Lol just kidding, he works evenings anyways haha
