Eighteen Magazine Editor Kristin Cavalleri took time out her busy schedule to interview the ever-so-wonderful Rai from the hot new band Bennet!. Kristin asked Rai questions about her bandmates, philosophy of life, and love.
KC: So as we both know very well, Bennet! is climbing the charts as we speak. How are you and your bandmates Klemey and Angel handling the overnight fame?
Rai: Well, Kristin, we are just taking it slow. The paparazzis and stalker-azzis can be pretty outrageous, but that's why we have bodyguard. -laughs- But other than the creepers, we're enjoying the lime-light!
KC: What was the weirdest gift you have gotten from a fan?
Rai: Oh, wow...there have been so many weird one. The absolute worst was one I received in the mail. A month ago Klemey made me a little monster for Graduation, and I have taken pictures with it, and I guess someone in the world wanted to "re-create" it..and they failed. Horribly. It's not only an insult to my little monster, but to Klemey. Klemey is the most creative person out there.
KC: What song currently describes your life?
Rai: I would have to say.."All the Right Moves" by One Republic and "Happy" by Leona Lewis. "All the Right Moves" reminds me that there will always be people in this world who have it better than us. And I relate to it even more now that we're famous because I look at Britney Spears and Rihanna, and realize they achieved greatness on their own, while the 3 of us need each other for our band to cooperate. "Happy" is my new anthem. All I ever think or talk about is just doing whatever makes you happy. At the end of the day, it is just you and only you can control your happiness.
KC: Do you have anyone special in your life at the moment, besides family and friends?
Rai: -laughs- Kinda, I'm sort of seeing someone. He's just my type. He's sweet, kind, caring, and amazingly talented. He's honest with me, has that gangsta swagga, and...is famous! -laughs again-
KC: Are you going to share this mystery man?
Rai: Alright...it's Chris Brown!
KC: I knew it! You two look so cute together! Thank you again Rai for being here today!
Rai: Thank you for inviting me! It was my pleasure. Ooh, I love your shoes!
Heheheh I'm too funny! lol jk!