Scenario: A person sends me an awful text message.
Old me: I would reply the message and create a huge argument between 3 people.
Current me: I take a few deep breathes. Think about the consequences and then delete the text.
Scenario: A person calls me a "know-it-all".
Old me: I would argue with them and tell them I'm not a know-it-all.
Current me: Thank them for thinking I know everything there is to know in the world.
Scenario: A person says I always think I'm right.
Old me: I would argue about that being wrong.
Current me: I sit and think (again) about becoming a lawyer. haha jk Believe it or not, I confess when I know I'm not right. But when I know I'm right, I'm pretty sure.
If I had to choose whether to erase the past or look into the future, I would choose to see the future. Having a glimpse of what is in store for me would eliminate many worries and stresses, but may cause new ones. I wouldn't erase the past because all memories would be gone. We all make mistakes and many of us try not to think about or re-live a moment in history. But I wouldn't want to loose all the great memories I think about all the time.
I may not seem like a good friend at times, but I really do try. At times, I try too hard and end up hurting myself in the end. And then there are times where I don't try at all, and I end up hurting other people. It's really hard to find a happy medium with friendships. People are so different and need you a certain percentage in their lives. There are some friends who may only need you 10% in their life, while others may need you 75%. And it feels like if you violate the acknowledged percentage, you end up looking like a bad friend.You look either too clingy (10%) or like you don't care (75%).
I have had many different types of friendships in my life.
I've had the very first best friend I can think back to who never wore the friendship necklace I bought her. I've had the friend who acted like my friend but talked really badly about me behind my back. I've had the friends who were younger and acted like they were smarter than me. I've had the friend who ditched her old friends for new ones. I've had the friend who only thought about herself. I've had the best friend who changed into the complete opposite of what I knew of her. I've had the friends who have treated me like crap. And now I have the friends who actually support me and believe in me and my dreams.
Don't ask, I just felt like typing out my feelings.
Klemey, you sounded upset on the phone, I hope you aren't angry because we didn't go to the party. I hope you understand, we weren't actually invited by her and it wasn't really in the plan. I know you wanted us to go and it wouldn't have been awkward for you, but it would have been awkward for us, well for me at least, can't really speak for Angel.
Note to Bennet: Everything is closed on Memorial Day, even the bus routes.
Angel, you have to give "Never say Never" by JB another chance!!
Blog readers: Don't you dare follow us to Hollywood, LA, California on August 23, 2010. Our flight number is 945 and it leaves at 5:00pm at the airport in Anchorage, AK. We're staying at the Hilton on 5th avenue. If we see random people following us (3 gorgeous girls wearing Bennet shirts) onto our flight or our hotel room, we are going to contact the police. So don't try it.
Quotes I live by:
"If you want something done right, then you have to do it yourself."
"The only stupid question is the one not asked."
"Those who actually solve problems, spend very little time complaining about them.""If you want something done right, then you have to do it yourself."
"The only stupid question is the one not asked."
I'm gonna use the weight-watchers website to work on my weight loss journey, without having to actually join. =]
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