Sunday, May 30, 2010

If I'm Gonna Tell It, Then I Gotta Tell It All. (86/100).

To Angel: I loved your little list of things we need to do this summer...Haha, for the movies one, where we would watch old 80's movies, I've seen both those movies suggested on there! :)

And (ew!) pretzels and potato chips to cookie dough?

Also for dating another type of guy...Who did you mean by Aaron? Aaron Green? or Aaron Hot Football Guy? Cuz if it's Green, yeah that would never happen...And the Football guy is 21...I'd be jail bait...Ooooor are you talking about Anerexic? Your probably not though seeing as he is my type I think....

What do you think my type is?

What are your guys types?

I wanna know!!!!

We should totally celebrate France's Independence day! That would be cool! I can check out some books about France from the library...

I don't think I'd ever add bananas to my smores....Ever.

To Rai: HAHAHAHAHA! I loved those videos...My favorite part of the Stephanie Prints Labels was when Brody hit that girl and was like, 'Yo b*tch! Those teeth are mad bright I told you not to smile unless I have my sunglasses on!' I was laughing so hard...

And I'ma ask my dad if I can go to your house 2morrow...And card games sound fun...Haha, in The Hangover they counted cards... :)

Looking at you old yearbooks sounds fun!

AH! I wanna see that Easy A movie...I've read that book, Sophomore year!

Oh and Rai, there is no option F for what hotel we're staying in...Haha, I pick...A.

Anyways, so some other news...Last night after work when I got home my mom and family told me that my Gramps' girlfriend, Kathy, was in the hospital...She had stopped breathing earlier that night...The doctors told them that it didn't look good...She was pronounced brain dead...Then around 12:30 am last night she died...It was pretty shocking...I don't know how my Gramps is doing...We're going over there today...

It's so weird 'cuz I just saw her two days ago and she was fine...

I believe I have eaten all of the marsh mellows out of our lucky charms...Ew! Spider on my ceiling!

Well, I gotta go.



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