Hey you guys!
So I went to a movie tonight at our theater...I saw Killers with Thor. I LOVED it! Ashton K. is one fine mother fuc...Op, control yourself Klemey! Anyways, seeing him without a shirt was like...Ahhh, so nice. I was thinking 'God, Klemey if only you could snag a man like that!'.
I thought the movie was definitely funny.
(Can't get over how hot he was).
*I liked when he was shooting guns (mostly when he had to lift his shirt up to hide holster his gun), and when he was kissing her (I daydreamed about her being me), and also when his outfits (the boy provides the body, but clothes bring out his impressiveness).*
Anyways...Let's get outta my new obsession with Ashton K. Angel...Don't feel so bad that you didn't get the autograph from Audrina. I mean you tried and that's what really counts! You are a great friend and I'm glad that math brought us together! :)
And to you a dedicate a...
Rai, of course we'd share a room...I mean it is most definitely the cheapest way to go! Yall will just have to deal with my snoring and midnight singing! I tend to sing off tune really badly...
Finn is hot.
So I saw Sweetheart and Bones tonight!
Bones was the one who gave me my free movie tickets today! And I saw Sweetheart behind concessions! B.T.W. Why didn't anyone tell me I was misspelling 'concessions' this entire time! How embarrassing! Yeah, back to him...He had taken off his suit jacket...Rai, you would've gone wild over his outfit...I mean he was dressed like he always is...And like I said about Ashton the man may have the body, but it's the clothes that bring in the pa-zazz! I noticed tonight that I love how Sweetheart is always so cleaned up! I love his suits and neatness. Don't get me wrong I definitely don't have a thing for him (Rai please don't kill me), but the boy can clean up good! He knows how to look like management.
Can I tell you guys a secret?...I don't think I have ever really wanted to date a boy...I think I have just wanted to make-out with the hot ones...I mean think about it. Look through all of my posts...How many times have I talked about a hot guy? Haha, just look at this post! Goodness, it's sad I'm just one of those typical hormone driven teenagers...I don't like the whole romantic thing or having to wait...And also look at Skyler and David...I totally hated being in a relationship each time I was with them...I didn't hate them I hated the fact that I was taken...
Gah, whatever! What am I talking about? I don't know a thing about dating! I'm a dweeb, a loser, a loner, and a pathetic excuse for a girl...
Oh, there's this really cute movie coming out soon with Drew Barrymore and Justin Long...I saw the preview while we were watching Killers. It looks sooo cute! You guys have to watch the trailer! In fact here I'll post it for ya!
I'm breaking out! I hate it.
Rai, I hope the doctor helped you with your face!
Concessions today f*cking sucked. Masses of masses of people were like flooding the theater...It was like never ending...God, I didn't know so many people could go to the movies at once...We kept running out of EVERYTHING...Lids, bags, popcorn....
I had this one lady who was like really pissed that I was going slow...Although I was going as fast as I could...And even though I apologized several times she was still all testy...I couldn't help myself...I kinda snapped back at her...She really put my mood off...But I had other customers after that saggy b*tch...they made me feel better...'Cuz unlike her when I apologized they said it was okay and that they knew I was working hard...Love them!
I am not looking forward to concessions tomorrow. Well, actually maybe it'll be slower 'cuz it's a Sunday.
I don't think Skyler's interested in me anymore. Angel let's do a happy dance.
I haven't seen the Wind at all.
My back hurts, I want plastic surgery done on my boobs so bad. I ain't even kidding, if I had the money you know I'd be unconscious in a hospital getting rid of the biggest (literally) problem of my life...
Our computer sucks.
Long, long blog.
Angel, by the way...W.T.F. with the staying up all night due to the Rockstars?
I think I'ma go now.
(I'ma eat some Frosted Flakes or maybe meatloaf, what would you guys choose?)
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