Thursday, June 17, 2010

Why do I feel this way?

So this morning, I thought deeply about what I want in life.
And yes, I know you all are probably sick of hearing about my life but this is the last time!
I promise.

I finally figured out why I'm not excited for college and my future.
First, it's because I don't know what will happen. I finally understand that I need to let go of it and let things happen the way they should. Worrying about things won't change them. It will only hurt me in the long run. So I'm letting go of my fears of living alone, marriage, child birth, finding love, and losing my friends. Hopefully, you guys will stick around a little longer! =]

Second, I'm nervous about changing my major. I know I will have to do a lot of work to figure out what I want to study exactly and do all the necessary paperwork, and attend all the necessary appointments. But this is something that has to be done. And I'm going to do it, even though I am scared like no other.

Third, time is flying by. It's already half way through June and I feel like I've done nothing special except get a job and go on a few bike rides. I want to DO something, GO somewhere, SEE someone. I'm a bit excited and cautious for this weekend because I want to see Flyleaf and Audrina..but I'm not sure how it's going to play out with our schedules..

Anyways, I'm over being upset, scared, nervous, worried, and crazy over college, traveling, and my future.


So who wants to have a slumber party??
Lol, know what? I've never actually had a slumber party. I've always called them Sleepovers..hmmm

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