Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Rai has awakened from the dead.

So after my mom picked me up we went to Subway and then we went grocery shopping and then I came home and fell asleep. I'm not even kidding. I was laying on my mom's bed while she was calling to make my wisdom teeth surgery appointment and then she hung up and I was about to get up and follow her out. But I couldn't move and then the next thing I know I hear my mom telling me that Idol starts in 30 minutes. I'm thinking WTF. Now I'm gonna be up ALL night. [sigh]

But I miss EVERYTHING when I'm asleep.
I missed:
1.) Klemey's amazing too bad I was in Jamaica with my hubby LOL
3.) Angel's longest blog EVER...I'm very impressed haha
oops I skipped 2...oh well.

But Angel, what are you talking about? Flowers? Don't forget WHAT flowers? and that's fine...I was just thinking about doing the shopping myself...but we'll see what my mom says.
And why do you keep talking about skipping?! Don't follow Klemey's footsteps! Stay in school! Don't do drugs! lol I'm just kidding, klemey doesn't do drugs! =]

But yeah...I feel like

I really feel like I need to buckle down and do some things. Like get my FASFA pin...however you get that. Finish my FRAME MY FUTURE poster...I'm not even half way done yet...ughh! ...ask Mrs. Campbell to write a letter of recommendation....

Do you think it's bad to let people call you by the wrong name for a long time? [klemey really got me thinking] I mean I've TRIED correcting people...but it's USELESS. They just don't/can't remember...and it just got to the point where I'm just like WTF. CALL ME WHATEVER THE F*CK YOU WANT.but i blame that other dumb girl with my name..her's is pronouced SARAH. WTF. go away name stealer. You're ruining my life and my happiness!!!!!!!

Anyways, I need some water.

Gosh I really feel like I should do something AMAZING so people will remember my name.

I wonder if Obama lets his girls listen to Chris Brown...or have his poster on their walls like the Jonas Brothers. But I think he's too sexy for them right!

Ok, gotta go nowwwww

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