Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Red Cup.

So I just realized that all of my posts have SOMETHING to do with celebrities...which is not good. I don't know why, but I know that it's not good.

Anyways, so you guys remember the movie Sleepover with the Spy Kids girl? Well I'm watching it right now and there was a commercial for the show Greek and the logo for the show is a big RED cup! haha remember all the parties have that 'red cup' hahah Why not blue or clear? lol

So I watched the movie Post Grad today! On Demand. I really liked made me think about my career and life choices.

I wanna start watchin the Secret Life...looks intense. hhaha

This movie is so funny and weird (Sleepover). I'm trying to figure out how they are able to stay out so late and no one notices...and these girls! They always say these stupid things. Like one girls said to this guy: "Why are you even talking to me? Guys never talk to me. They usually just ask me to hold the door open for them." and then another girl was all "I didn't even think you knew who I was." ...Like these are things you're not supposed to say! lol
But I love how the cute guy gives Julie (spy kids girl) the crown while they are dancing! =]

Anyways, I've been up since lik 10:30am...and yes that is early for me lol I watched football with the rents all morning...and my teams are out of the playoffs so I'm NOT going to be watching football tomorrow. Ugh. Dumbo football. Basketball is way better anyways. =P


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