Wednesday, January 27, 2010


So that kid I met yesterday, because Court-O wanted me to is pretty cool...After I apologized in the form of a hand made card for threatening to slit his throat....I found out today when we all went to Costco's for lunch...that Squid (nick name of the kid I met, I actually really don't know his name...) can fluently speak Russian and owns a jacket from London...That surprised me. Oh! The things you can find out about people...And believe me people you've known for the longest time can still shock the hell out of you....(that actually happened to me yesterday, I had to take a few moments to get over the strange shock of what a friend tolled me....)....

Rai, you never finished telling me what happened with your friend after he tolled you about how his best friend told him gay people go to hell (which I think is total bullsh*t) and quit hanging out with him after he told them that he was gay....

I would never do that, I think it's stupid how people hate other people just because of their sexual preferences, in fact when did that become other peoples business to know that about others?

Anyways the real reason I logged on here was to tell you guys about this other link from this site I found....Haha, I love how I'm Google-ing and I'll find other blogs all from this site!!!! I was Google-ing Gio and Betty when I found this link:

It's this women's blog who draws I guess and I love all her pics. just aome of them are a little shocking...But still I wanna be able to draw like her. Man if I could I would draw out my own little comic book series and stuff like that....She did a drawing of Gio and Betty and it was so cute I put it as my computer screens background...I scrolled down some of her other pics. and she's even done Trueblood drawings!!!! Of Sookie (I like that name ANGEL!!!) and of Eric (one of the sexiest characters on there!)...I love her work....

Well, I gotta go now...Heading on over to my Gramms....'Cuz my pops "wants to be alone tonight"....I say *coughcough* Bullsh*t *coughcough*

Bub-Bye, Klemey!!!

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