Okiedoakey i saw that music video klemy and let me tell you that damn the guy was hella fine! but i didnt get the video. why was it goign back what WAS THE MESSAGE!
i have to say klemy the story. it was still amazing like always but i was a little thrown off becasue
a. you used gio line the wrong way
b. it brought back bad memerioes about how the producers might hate gio
c. thinking bout i hate the producers for ending the way they did BLAH
i mean that was an INTENSE MOMENT HAD ME ON MY SEAT but that line i liek to remeber as a vulnerable latino not american
LOL JK........i love ur stories!!!
anywhoser rai my feelings if you want to know well here they are:
sad,deseprate,undecided,frustrated,lousy,disgusting,brain hurts,tired of school,secretly not tired of being school,money worries,just omg
but as soon as i see ugly betty i know my spirt will come up and heelp me throuh
my bipolar moment.
god it neeeds to be nine already!! so i havent been writing in the blog im just down btu thats gonna change todayz!
so promm ericaaa i wanna see the dress o and i have to go get an outfit at forever21 this weekend for easter blahz!
i love the pollyvore you guys!!
i officaly like it. especially the masks about rai!teheheh
swing club was fun and im going to it every wednesday!!
o and tommrow im going to beta club with k*t*i*
anddd wat else to comment and rai where r u stories? i miss them!!
you left a bigg cliffhanger!!
o and heres a pic from the trip i recently went
that is at the top
<33>wanna dance