Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Okiedoakey i saw that music video klemy and let me tell you that damn the guy was hella fine! but i didnt get the video. why was it goign back what WAS THE MESSAGE!

i have to say klemy the story. it was still amazing like always but i was a little thrown off becasue

a. you used gio line the wrong way

b. it brought back bad memerioes about how the producers might hate gio

c. thinking bout i hate the producers for ending the way they did BLAH

i mean that was an INTENSE MOMENT HAD ME ON MY SEAT but that line i liek to remeber as a vulnerable latino not american

LOL JK........i love ur stories!!!

anywhoser rai my feelings if you want to know well here they are:

sad,deseprate,undecided,frustrated,lousy,disgusting,brain hurts,tired of school,secretly not tired of being school,money worries,just omg

but as soon as i see ugly betty i know my spirt will come up and heelp me throuh

my bipolar moment.

god it neeeds to be nine already!! so i havent been writing in the blog im just down btu thats gonna change todayz!

so promm ericaaa i wanna see the dress o and i have to go get an outfit at forever21 this weekend for easter blahz!

i love the pollyvore you guys!!

i officaly like it. especially the masks about rai!teheheh

swing club was fun and im going to it every wednesday!!

o and tommrow im going to beta club with k*t*i*

anddd wat else to comment and rai where r u stories? i miss them!!

you left a bigg cliffhanger!!

o and heres a pic from the trip i recently went

that is at the top

<33>wanna dance

'Your Holding me back without even trying too...' (31/100)

So I stayed after school today to work on my stupid power-point...but the computer was being slow so I left...With nothing done...GAH!

Now I'm at home and I don't want to do it.

I am starting to dislike that class.

Rai, I liked your letter! So creative.

So I got my cousins invite to her graduation ceremonies today. It's pretty nice. Gray, but nice. She included a picture of herself in it...It made me think about how I want mines...I thought about it and I want mine to be spectacular! Not ordinary or plain...Something no one is expecting...I mean your graduating your invites should be extraordinary! Well, so should weddings and other things like this, but yeah.

Klemey = A Mess + Procrastination.

Dear Klemey,
Get off your lazy butt and do something with your life!
Don't keep on letting people down!
Surprise everyone and be a better person!
Eat right!
Goodness, you only live once.
Sincerely yours,

Well, gonna go now.



Dear 7th Grade Rai,

I deeply apologize for stopping you from fulfilling your dreams. I understand that you wanted to attend the U of W, but the U of A A is all you've got right now. Maybe, if God wills it, you can transfer later. I thank you for all the wonderful memories and lessons that you have provided me with.

However, I don't apologize for you not becoming a lawyer or a teacher like you wanted. Although it could still happen, I don't think that it will. Accounting is the way for you. You like it, you're good at it, and it has given you the most wonderful week of your life. During this week you've not only seen one of the most beautiful cities in the world, but you've made friends that you still talk to after 3 years and have pictures that always make you smile.

If God wills, you will be graduating in one month. You have conquered a great deal of pain and frustration throughout your high school years and have had some pretty great times as well.

Things to rememeber as life goes on:
- Your parents love you no matter what.
- Your true friends will always find a way back to your heart.
- Hard work always pays off in the end.
- Ak is your home and birthplace.
- You've made your parents proud.
- You've yet to make yourself proud.
- Ms. B deserves not only a graduation invite, but a bouquet of flowers.

It was really nice writing to you. I will never forget you my dear friend.
March 31, 2010
Love Always,
12th Grade Rai
Last post. more than half is pathetic.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Official Advertisements For The 'Bennet In Venice' Series (30/100):

Hope you like'em!



To Rai. (29/100)



Tribute to the 'Bennet In Venice' Series...(28/100)



If I went to Venice...(27/100)



Bennet After Venice. (26/100)

"So the duck turns to the chicken and says 'He ate my heart'!" Klemey looked at the bartender and waited for him to burst out laughing, nothing. "God, any sense of humor?" Klemey gulped up the rest of her whiskey, she had been hitting the hard stuff. The bartender didn't respond. "Are you a robot? Auto-botto...Gucci motto..." He just lifted up the half full bottle of Jack Daniels as if to say 'More?' Klemey nodded. She gulped that down then considered attempting to tell the beefy bartender another joke, Nope! Just then a thin guy wearing a faded yellow blazer parked himself into the seat next to her. "Hey." He chucked his head up at her, his hair puffed at the front bounced. "Hey..." She blinked at him for a second then pushed her cup toward the bartender. He turned to the guy. "So what do you want to drink?" He asked. "Whoa! Joe Foe! You talk!" Klemey leaned over the bar and poked the bartender in the shoulder. "Weird..." She turned to the blazer guy. "He feels human..." The blazer smiled and turned back to the bartender. "Oh you know beer, scotch, juicebox...Whatever." Then back to her. "Drinking and driving don't mix...That's why I ride a bike. This is a really volcanic ensemble you're wearing, it's marvelous!" He was speaking of her clothes. Klemey looked at the man. All she was wearing was a pair of tight dark blue jeans and a sparkling red sleeve less shirt that hugged her body in all the right places. Her hair was half up and curled. "Well, thank you..." She said as she was sipping her drink. The bartender slid the blazer's drink to him. "What's you name, blazer?" She asked. He set his cup down and wobbled his head. "Friends and foes alike call me Duckie." He stretched out his hand and she offered hers for a shake. "Well, that's a nice name...I'm Klemey."
"So Klemey what's a pretty girl like you doing at a bar all alone?" She smiled. "Oh, I'm not alone...Me and Joe Foe here have been chatting for the last two hours...Right Joe?" She looked at the bartender. His face remained a rock. "Your name's Joe Foe?" Duckie smiled. Joe Foe just stood there with his arms crossed looking out among the other bar goers. "O-K! No confirmation on that then!" He smiled and held his glass up to Klemey. "AHA! I'll drink to that!" They both swallowed. "I want two apple spritzers! Now!" A over bubbly voice came from behind Klemey. The women with the voice pushed Klemey over and snapped at Joe Foe. Klemey was about to cuss the women out when she recognized her. The bimbo who was at the club with Gubler. Fuck..."Get over here!" The bimbo had turned over to the dance floor and was edging someone over. Please don't let it be...."Okay, I'm here!" A familiar voice came into Klemey's ear. Shit! She thought. Gubler was standing with his back to her, obviously oblivious to the fact that she was right behind him. "Crap..." Klemey whispered and looked at the door considering leaving, but the door was on the other side. There was no way she could leave without him seeing her. "Hey, Klemey are you okay?" Duckie asked, loudly. Klemey just widen her eyes in disbelief as Gubler turned around and looked at her. "Wha..." He let out. "Umm...Hi..." Klemey lifted her hand and waved not knowing what else to do. "Who's this, Klemey?" Duckie asked from behind her. Gubler looked at him, his face twisted for a second then turned cold. "I'm her ex. Who are you another one of her fucks?" Duckie looked taken aback. "Be careful she'll rip your heart out and eat it for breakfast!" He looked Klemey straight in the eye as he said this. "How many other guys did you screw? Or was it just that wanna be singer?" He was totally drunk. "I didn't sleep with anyone!" Klemey protested. The bimbo picked that moment to join the conversation. "Let's go, babes!" Klemey anger seemed to flare up at her use of their nickname. "You talk about me like a slut! Look at you with this whore!" Klemey was mad as hell. "You fucking hippocrate! That shit you pulled at the club! I didn't even sleep with Landon!" Gubler scoffed, face reddenning. "Landon?!?! His name's Landon? Oh! That's a major appliance, that's not a name!" Klemey wanted to slap him as he went on. "After I left that wedding...I sat alone in my apartment for days and while I was sitting among the old Chinese take-out boxes, in the dark, sulking over my heart ache...I had an epiphany, a moment of total clarity..." His eyes widen until he looked slightly crazed. "I hate you!...You're not a nice person...And if you didn't live in Klemey-Land maybe you would see that!" Klemey interrupted. "Okay I do not live in Klemey-Land!" He went on anyways. "OH YES YOU DO! 25 Teddy Bear Lane, Klemey-Land, USA! And if you were to step out of it for one minute you would realize that it takes two to make a relationship and I'm not interested!" Klemey was shocked, she realized that he hadn't ever really said he didn't want to be with her until then. "Well, why not!?!" Klemey burrowed her eyebrows in anger. Gublers eyes went wild for a moment then he threw his glass onto the floor. "Because...YOU BROKE MY HEART!" Whoa! Klemey took a step back, her stool pressed up against her. "Matth..." He looked beaten and on the verge of tears. Klemey herself felt her eyes welling up. "Don't say ANYTHING!" Gubler put a hand up as to silence her. "I hate you...What's done is done..." And once again the bimbo popped in. "Yeah, hoe! Get back and leave my man alone!" Klemey turned on her heel, now facing her. "Oh hell no!" She took another step toward the bimbo. "Listen, your just the whore in this equation, okay? He's not your man...You just a pity get together...So stay THE FUCK out of this!" Klemey voice was raising. "This is war now!" The bimbo attempted to ball her scrawny little arms as if to fight Klemey. "What a joke...But if that's what you want...I'll kick your ass." Klemey kept it simple and honest. "I'm gonna open a can of whoop ass on you!" The bimbo squealed. Klemey was caught inbetween wanting to laugh at her and wanting to break the whiskey bottle Joe Foe was holding over her head. "Listen bitch, I'm going to rip your face off if you do NOT shut up!" The bimbo just smirked, not realizing Klemey seriousness. "I'd like to see you try...Anyways, I've got my man here to protect me!" She grabbed Gubler by the arm and started to rub her slimy little hand on his chest. "You little bit..." Klemey lunged forward to attack her, but Duckie stopped her midway. "Let me GO!!!" Klemey growled at him as she swung her fist in the bimbo's direction. "Ha!" The bimbo put her hands up and jerked her head as if she won. "Let's go, sexy!" She turned to Gubler and leaned in toward his face. She looked right at Klemey as she grabbed his face by his chin and forced him to look at her. She kissed him then jerked his face back and licked his cheek. "How do you like that?" Who she was asking, Gubler or Klemey, wasn't clear."Gahhh!!" Klemey wanted to stab her, but Duckie's arms were still tightly wrapped around her. The bimbo grabbed Gubler's hand and started leading him back to the dance floor. He looked at her, intentionally, and ran her hand through her hair then he kissed her again before turning with her. Duckie finally let go and Klemey pushed him off. "God!" She scoffed at him. Then a thought accord to her. Well, if they want war..."HEY!" She called out. "Gubler!" Gubler stopped and looked back her. "Fuck you!" She said then grabbed Duckie by his shoulders and pressed her lips to his. Gubler stormed out with the bimbo running after him.

...To Be Continued...

Monday, March 29, 2010

Oh, so cute...(25/100)

So I would really really like it if you guys watched this video...Please!
I think he is sooooo cute!

And the song is sweet...In a sad way...



Can you feel the Guby love tonight? (24/100)



Bennet After Venice. (23/100)

"Yeah, the 17th is when we're having the ball." Rai and Chris were sitting on their bed, planning Rai's big fundraising mascarade ball. "I have already sent out the invites and book the room...Caters and everything!" And she had. Rai had been planning this since she was in highschool. "That's great babe!" Chris said looking distant. "Are you okay?" Rai asked him. "Yeah..yeah..." Chris shook his head. "I just..." He paused. "It has to do with work..." He looked at the pictures of masks and ballrooms Rai had spread out on the bed. "I'll tell you later...I don't wanna take ANY of your attention away from this ball! I know how much you want it." Rai smiled and kissed him. "Sure!" She carelessly let the subject drop, not knowing it's dire importance.

...To Be Continued...

Bennet After Venice. (22/100)

"Cupcake?" Gio's voice spilled out of the living room as Angel stepped into the house. "Yeah, it's me..." Angel hung her coat up and tried to think up a sincere apology for him. "Honey, I am soooo sorry I am late! I know I said seven, but..." Angel stopped as she turned around the corner and saw Gio lying on his back on the living room floor, a small labador puppy sitting on his chest. "Surprise!" He smiled pulling his hands out from under his head and waving them in the air. The commotion knocked the little puppy out of balance. He rolled on the floor and sprang up. He looked a little confused then shook his head. "Woof!" He looked at Angel then pounced toward her. She knelt down and he started licking her face. "Aww! He's so adorable!" Gio smiled, still on the floor. "I knew you would like him. He was the surprise!" She looked at him and went to sit by him. "This is the best! I love you!" Then he pulled up to kiss her, and as they were kissing the Love God flashed through her mind. "Gah..." Angel pulled away. "What?" Gio looked slightly alarmed. "Oh, nothing!" Angel looked at him. "The dog was licking my leg. " "Hahaha." Gio smiled then looked at her. "You know you taste like a strawberry milkshake." Angel looked at him, then sighed.

...To Be Continued...

Bennet After Venice. (21/100)

"Is this it?" The Love God asked as he pulled off to the curb in front of Angel's house. "Yeap." Angel went for the door handle, but stopped and turned back to him. On the ride over he had tolled her how he had just moved here from New York and was a musician. He stayed here after his old band had played a gig about six months ago. She also learned that he wanted to rejoin a band and one day own his own coffee shop. She looked at him in his smooth black leather jacket, he wasn't smiling. Angel couldn't make out what he was thinking. "Umm, thank you so much for the ride...and the wonderful milkshake..." She waited as he didn't say anything. "Well, goodbye then...and thanks again..." "Angel?" She opened the door and stepped out onto the street. He called out through the open window as she shut the door. "Yes?" She peered through the door. "I was wondering...If maybe we could see each other again? Maybe tomorrow?" He smiled more shyly than before. He looked more nervous than he had all evening. Angels heart fluttered. Wait, I AM MARRIED! What the hell am I doing? "Umm, there's something you need to know." Angel lifted her left hand up and pointed to her ring finger. His face broke into shock. "Oh..." He adjusted to the sight, running his hand through his hair. "I really don't know how I didn't see that all evening..." he smiled weakly and gave a half fearted laugh. "Listen" Angel felt bad. "I'm sorry if I mislead you...Don't get me wrong you are a great guy..." Angel looked at him. "It's okay" His smile returned some of it's spunk, slightly. "But I still wanna see you, even if it's as friends...Hell I could use a friend...Since I just got here...I have none!" He smiled even though he was serious about having no friends. Angel considered it, I can be his friend right? Nothing will happen...To grown people can be friends..."The prince and princess can be friends!" He chuckled to himself. Angel smiled and laughed with him. "Yeah I guess they can be..." They exchanged numbers and said goodbye. Angel waved and turned to walk to the house, realizing she hadn't asked him his name the entire evening. She smiled as she listed him as Love God in her cell phones directory.
She didn't notice him watch her walk into the house sad, but hopeful before driving off.

...To Be Continued...

Bennet After Venice. (20/100)

"So how, exactly, do we know each other?" Angel shook off the thought of leaning even closer to the Love God and settled on sipping her shake. "Well, it was like a fairytale...Once upon a time..." He began putting his elbows on the counter and resting his chin in his palms. "There was this beautiful girl, a stunning princess..." Angel smiled, "Beautiful, stunning?" He nodded and continued. "Yep, and she was in a dire state of need! See her carriage door was stuck and she was in a big hurry to get back to her castle!" Angel laughed, "Oh no! What was she to do?" She played along with him. "The task of opening the carriage is that of a strong and handsome prince...Luckily the gorgeous princess was rescused by one! He found her and saved the day!" Angel laughed again. "Excuse me!" She playfully hit him on the shoulder. "That is not how it went happened...It wasn't a carriage, it was my car, and you weren't a prince...No matter how strong or handsome you are!" His smile turned devious and widen. "So I am strong and handsome to you?" Angel blushed. "Tha...that's not what I meant to say..." He chuckled. "Suresure..." She took another sip of her shake and quickly changed the subject to avoid further blushing. "This is really good!" He gave her a look like he was right and said, "Yeah? Thanks. Usually Dan, my boss, only let's me make them after closing." He rolled his magnificent eyes. "He says they're not good enough for his high quality coffee menu..." Angel scoffed. "That's crap! They're delicious!" And she wasn't lying. Wait...Closing? The Time! Angel had totally forgotten the time. She almost spilt her shake as twisted her arm to look at her watch, 7:20. "Crap!" Angel stood up. "What?" The Love God asked. "I'm late!" Gio's face flashed through her head, what the hell am I doing here? My man's at home and I'm here flirting with another! "Crap again..." Then she remembered that she had walked all the way there. She looked at the window, the sun was already down. "Crap! Crap! Crappers!" The Love God chuckled from behind her. "Crappers?" He raised his eyebrows as she turned to face him. "Yes, crappers...I was suppose to be home at 7 and I walked here! Stupid me!" Angel began to mumble to herself. "Great Idea Angel! Walk here for the exercise! Aho!" She looked up at the Love God. He had moved to the end of the counter, grabbed a jacket off a hanger nearby, and hit a light switch. "Now..." He came around the counter and stood in front of her, only an inch away. The only light in the cafe came from a street lamp from outside and perfectly illuminated his face, his slightly messy hair, and eyes. "We are gonna get you home!" He smiled and jangled a set of car keys in front of her, then stepped back placing his hands on both of her shoulders. He started looking at her up and down, as if inspecting her. Angel began to get nervous. "What?" She asked, do I have anything in my teeth? She began to question how she looked. Is my hair tangled? Am I sweaty? "Nope." The Love God was shaking his head. "What?" She asked again worried. He leaned in, closer to her face. Again his sweet smell overwhelmed her. "You definitely do not need any exercise!" He lingered for a second, then turned for the door. Swoosh! Leaving Angel dazed. "Are you coming?" He smirked holding the door for her.

...To Be Continued...

Hey, soul sister...(19/100)

Rai your story's awesome...As always...Haha, International Guardians of the Human Race Organization...Very nice.,,So who's your target? Is it the president? Chris? Oprah? Lady Gaga? A homeless man in Thailand? And is Diane gonna do something? She seems like a backstabber? Thanks, for posting more! And where were you? Were you in fact invisible?






Rai? Rai...? Rai where are you? (18/100)

Umm, so I am sitting in 5th hour right now and I am wondering where Rai is...Is she at home? Is she is Switzerland eating triangled shaped sandwiches with the crust cut off? Is she hiding under a couch? Is she invisible? Whoa, what is she is and she's sitting right next to me reading this as I write it? So...ANYways...

I'm gonna call Angel later today and ask how was Seattle...

We finished 'Remember The Titans'

That is such a good movie. I love Sunshine and that chubby guy...And how those two guys became best friends after really getting to know eachother...

So Rai, I see you made a Happy Play-list...Well, I can't actually see the songs 'cuz it's blocked...I'm at school right now...But I'll check it out at home...

You know I have to present my Parnell presentation this week!!!! I am working on it at lunch tomorrow!!! No lie...I'll probably have to start presenting it tomorrow...


Rai...Where's your lied.

Haha, in my story there's gonna be a grilled cheese-e.



Rai's Happy Playlist!

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Monster Ball. Chapter Nine.

"I cannot believe how absurd you make yourself look by calling me and Diana felons! This world has taken a turn for the worst! If the earthquakes in Haiti, Chile, and Japan weren't enough, how about Greece's unmentionable amount of debt?! If anyone here is a criminal, it's you for trying to stop our probono contributions to the forsaken world!" Rai was red with fury. Diana had to leave the room. Rai would slap her half to China if she knew Diana was trying not to laugh. Always so philosophical...and easily angered. Diana thought as she checked her second phone. There was a text from Clarissa.
"Tell Rai to shut up and figure out what Smith wants!"

Diana looked up. How did she know what Rai was saying? Diana came back into the room. Rai was still going on. "You know you made me leave one of the happiest places I've ever been to?! Yeah, that's right! Austria! Austria has a way of bringing out the happiness that is stowed away in our hearts. It releases all anger and frust--" Diana cut her off. "What do you want Malcomn?"

Malcomn looked from Rai to Diana. "I need your help."
"What?? I thought you were going to arrest us." Diana was thinking about the phone conversation involving Jeremy."

"Oh, that was a lie. Now I know you two are the most experienced, intelligent and sneaky agents in the International Guardians of the Human Race Organization. I know you work for the United States government and you report to Clarissa of Germany. Help me with this mission and I'll keep your secret identities secret."

Rai looked at Diana. Diana looked at her phone, awaiting their destiny. New text message.
"Go for it."

Diana looked Malcomn in the eye. "We accept the mission Mr. Smith."

"Ok, then boys!" Malcomn yelled as he smiled. The 4 guys that were waiting behind Malcomn came foward. They handed Rai and Diana 2 thick folders and a thumbdrive.
"Everything you need to know is in here. Follow the instructions at the back of the folder." Malcomn stared into Rai's eyes "Today is your lucky day Ms. Lynn. You get to chase a criminal around the world."

Diana finally noticed that Malcomn never spoke to her. But that's usually how it is. I'm just the sidekick. I'm the only one who does important stuff. Diana smiled to herself and giggled at her thought.

Rai looked at Diana from the corner of her eye. "Alright, we outtie." Ria grabbed Diana's arm and they headed back to the boat. Once inside Diana opened the folder. "Oh my God Rai."
"What's wrong?" Rai asked not looking at Diana as she paddled. "Look at who we have to capture." Rai stopped and handled the paddle to Diana. Rai opened the folder. "Are you f*cking kidding me?!"


Saturday, March 27, 2010

Rai!! (17/100)

Hey Rai!

That's cool about your brother! What happened?

And I really liked your Bennet Men and Bennet thingy from Polyvore...I have one of those accounts I never go on it though...

They made me smile!

Haha, you broke your own rule...So does that mean I can stop counting now?

Gotta run!




5:30- 7:30pm
Yay! I can go!
R u guys still going?


Ok, forget the stupid post rule for now.
I woke up today with my mom giving me breakfast in bed and immediately she said GUESS WHO CALLED??
And I said WHO?
And she said Johnny.
My brother.

Just for my girls!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

MetroStation's Tragic End- (16/100)

So I have just found out that Metro Station...One of the only bands ever to produce a c.d. that I love every song on has broken up...Yep, NO MORE METRO! This is heart breaking....I remember the day I saw 'Shake It' for the first time...I was in love...Trace was so hot...Then not...And Mason was so cute...God, I really loved them....

So to show my love for them I dedicate this post to them....

Oh, Metro...
Why did you have to goooo...
I miss you sooooo....
Just like you said,
'this is wrong but who am I to judge?'
The hole you left in my heart now will not budge...
I should've known that just like being seventeen
your band wouldn't be together forever...
You lyrics were simple but clever...
'Whoa, I feel just like we're losing control'
With no more beats to enroll...
I was with you
'through the thick and thin...
Until the end'
Now I don't know if I'll be able to mend..
For $10 I did spend...
On your C.D.
I guess it got Harder
I guess it burned Brighter
I guess it felt tougher
'each and every day
so let me say that I love you
you're all I've ever wanted
all I've ever dreamed to come
and yes you did come
I want you so bad'
It making me mad...
I'll remember the past and try to be glad
To me you weren't just a fad..
I would've swam the ocean for you...
Now I'm left to feel just like poo without you...
My heart will no longer pop
'cuz I will never hear 'Let's drop!'
Now I'll never get to leave you at my front door...
Now instead of singing
'Shakeshake, shakeshake, ashake-it!'
I cry
'Brokebroke, brokebroke, abroke-it!'
when referring to what you did to my heart...
now my lips tremble and my eyes are in a straight stare
'And I was thinking of places that I could hide'
'This feeling's tearing me up...'
'I saw you dancing and I couldn't get you off my mind'
No music like you will I ever find...
I kept my body movin' and the beat was thumpin'
I went ahead and let them talk their words meant nothin'
'I wish we were older'
then maybe we'd be bolder...
And then you wouldn't have to smolder...
'Just take my hand
I'll never let go
(I love you and I need you)
Just take my hand
(Now We're dying and We're crying)
I'll never let go'
'And you believed with so much hope
But I'm the one that [has to] let you go
Now that we're done I'm so sorry'
You were such a rush
You were such a crush
You were one in a million
I couldn't get enough
You were pumping through my veins
You were too fun to be so gone with me
'Too good to be true to me'
Can't you see you were all that I need?
Can't you see you were all that I saw?
Your songs to me were the law...
This is one major flaw...
'Come on, don't feel this way
You're only gonna solve this for one day
You wanna get high, and then complain
[Boys] I only, think of you always
And forever
Remember when you just came out?
When everyone knew what you were all about
You faked your death, and that was fun
But [boys], I think it's just begun
You take another line
And you feel fine
This time
And it goes like this, [boys]
Tell me what to do, [boys]
I'm so in love, whoa
I'm so in love with you
You stop, right when things get bad
You said that, and much has passed
Come on now, this will be real fast
Darling(s) I know you need the cash
The sky will clear, you say with ease
You leave real fast, to get relieved
my heart was locked, you had the key
Now this disease won't let us be'
This is the ultimate fee...
Before you go...
Just let me know...
'If I strum chords, would you sing a song with me
If I leave town would you leave along with me
And we can fly away to outer space
Or we can find a way to leave this place
We don't need a map and you can throw your phone away
We don't wanna hear the things we know they're gonna say
You don't trust yourself but [boys] trust in me
Don't look in the mirror the past you don't wanna see
What do you say we leave for California
If we drive all night we can make it by the morning
And no one has to know if we decide to go
We can leave this town if only for the weather
I could drive and you could sleep
While the radio collides to the sound of our heartbeats
Hypnotized by the carbon monoxide
Your cigarette after cigarette
Cannot help to calm your fear
But Now I'm still driving
Just keep sleeping
We'll keep moving
But I'm not leaving no I'm not leaving'
'I wonder if you're going down
Where we all know you get lost
And then get found
And then I wonder so
I can't believe that's what you said
I wonder in my sleep
I can't believe that's what you heard
can you not defeat
I can't take this
No, I don't like it
I don't know where you are'
You know I'm dancing at the disco
I'm dying on the dance floor...
This can't be the final score...
I feel so poor...
You're such a whore...
What did you break up for...
'can't you see it in your heart
I'm still there for you?
I can't take this
No, I don't like it'
'(Say my name)
You don't even know it
(I am done)
you sure aren't showing it
(hold my hand)
You know [I'm] on the dance floor
(Well I know [you're] dyin')
But still [I] craves more'
'I wish, I could just forget you.
Up now, heart beats racing.
One touch, now I'm faking.
Weakest time, there's not escaping you'
I guess after all what you did was
'trade love for a little romance'
I should've listened when you sang
'Too late this will be the last dance girl'
Now i want to hurl...
I'm left in a whirl...
Tonight I cry
'Where's my angel?'
'You say you want it, you love me then fought it.
You're breaking my heart & you're taking me down'
Nothing left to do but frown...
Who'll get the crown...
One massive hole just going down...
Trace, don't leave in disgrace...
Fight to win this race...
i think it would be nice...
If you took your own advice...
'Break it down and live it up take the sin and beat it up'
I love you guys,
I guess this is good-bye...


To: Rai (15/100)

So I was thinking about why you have way more blog post then me...And I have concluded that the only reason I have less is because when I post a post I tend to put everything I want to say into one big massive post and you tend to break them up into several...So yeah....

Anyways...As to right now I have 15 down and 85 more to go....

Woot! Woot!



P.S. Angel I can't wait to see Gio's return!!! (Haha, Poor Rai so sick of Gio....)
So Betty was 'Flashing'? Like 'mooning'?

Angel, I shall miss you...Dearly. (14/100)

Angel, are you going just for this weekend? You know my Grandpa and mom might be going to Seattle for a week soon....He needs to go so the hospital people there can check his heart...He had a triple bypass done awhile ago...Yeah, he asked his doctor if mum could go and he hasn't heard back yet...

Angel, what exactly are you gonna do there?



Sleepless in Seattle

Well my flight leaves at 10 pm and i dont know if you guys want me to call you or not and well i'll call you both before i leave. Anways i'm bringing the notebook so i'll have something to do. and well i hope you guys have fun over the weekend and stay safe. i dont know wat else to say but avior madamoiselle and hasta la vista babies


p.s DONT READ UNLESS AT YOU RISK KELMY yesterday i was wacthing ugly betty and next week preview they SHOWED betty flashing(minor) to a random guy and he turns around and its GIO! i think he says SUAREZ damn you sexy chick lol but im so excited for that episode i juts might die!!


Wednesday, March 24, 2010


ok this counts as my second post and we ALL know that i cannot make the mark hundred so who are we kidding ourselves but i ll TRY to post 100 before 2012!LOL anways today was a good day. we went to that STUDENT ADVISORY COUNCIL MEETING rai didnt go towhihc she should go to next monday. Klemy i'm counting on you also! on and NOT only did the betty spolier offend but I WAS ALREADY getting used to the idea without gio. i was dreaming about how daniel would FINALLY realize betty was the one BUT NO. its a dreamm gone now. Hey so i need to ask you guys a HUGE favor. I'm looking for a job at jcpenny as you all know and i was looking at the website que pasa lol and their holding a carrer this friday march 26,2010 wells fargo sports complex UAA to 11am-5pm. so i'd appreciate if you guys went and see if there was an opening for jcpeeny clerks or w/e. PLEASE i wont be ther and i reallly neeed a job during the summerr. and it be great for you guys to goand find poeteniatal jobs!just tell wat you think. and ask infor about the jcpenny and sk what are the looking for and wat hours are they ALLOWED TO WORK cuz i can only work twice a week. but just keep in mind. PLEASE. i'd really appreciate it!!!and im wacthing dancing with the stars. i dont kno why but i just love it!!!wacth it over three times!! andways eria r u gonna volunteer for the northwaqy carnival or at least go to it this saturday? and rai my mother got mad at me for not having my ceell phone so now i have to start bringing it with me everyday. i saw the video for BLAH BLAH omg it just ruined and i dont think she can sing. thats bad. theres cool stuff on que pasa i MAY have to create a facebook. undecided. anwaywhoser 2nd post down 98 to go!

I finally watched 'Telephone' by Gaga...Didn't know wat I was missing....(13/100)


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I shouted never...(12/100)


NeverShoutNever. (11/100)



My Sadness: (9/100)

So this is a new pic. from 'Ugly Betty' episode London's Calling...
So I was once again looking through Google for spoilers to the whole Gio and Betty thing...And I don't think they're gonna end up together....I am going to die...I mean it's not official, I didn't find anything that actually says they aren't but I was looking who's gonna guest star on the episode after...And his name wasn't on there... :(

Oh, and I guess since I keep talking about 'Justified' which a new episode is on tonight! Here's a picture of Timothy Olyphant A.K.A. Rayland....

Facts About This Man:
1. His is born in Hawaii, on May 20th 1968
2. He swam competitively
3. Guest starred on an episode of 'Sex and The City'
4. He's the lead role in 'The Crazies'

1. He is SA-exy! (even if he's like 4o!)
2. Favorite movie of his that I like is...'Hitman'
3. Favorite kiss scene, 'Catch and Release'
4. LOVE 'Justified'!

Love, Klemey!
