Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Bennet After Venice. (1/100)

"Waaaaahhhh!!!!" Klemey screamed, her hands cupped around her mouth as Paper Tongues began singing her favorite song, Ride to California. "...40 40 dollar to the man that wanna go..20 20 to the sister with the ticket at the grocery store..." The lead singer hurled out. Rai looked at her as she jumped up and down (her left foot still in a cast), swirling her head in a long circle, causing her hair to violently whip people around her in the face. "I need a drink!" Rai hollered over the screaming crowd towards Angel. "Okay!" Angel jumped and yelled, holding onto Gio's arm for support. "Me too!" Gio said and pointed to Rai. What the hell do I look like a waitress? Rai thought. She pushed through the crowd and walked over to the bar. "One Screaming Vena please!" she raised her voice for the bartender. Forget Gio..she scoffed and took a sip of her drink. She didn't walk back wanting to leave. "...I´ve set mind to break free now my body is getting loose while I´ll sinking like a dancing tree..." The song went on. Rai looked through the crowd and saw Angel and Gio grinding, to a rock song really? And Klemey had been grabbed by a random stranger and was now dancing with him. She was to drunk to care.
Rai just sighed, gulped the rest of her drink, paid the bartender, and walked back to them. Rai almost screamed 'Thank god!' when the concert finally ended and they started to leave. They all walked back to Rai's limo (Oh, the perks of being Mrs. Brown!), and climbed in. Angel and Gio moved to the far end of the seat, in the darkest corner of the limo and started heavily making out. Klemey looked at them and laughed. "Be careful Gio! You might accidently eat her face..." Then she laughed so hard Rai thought for a second she was choking. "HAHAHAH!!!! HAHAHA!!!" Klemey smacked Rai in the arm. "Ow! What the...?" Rai looked at her, tears were rolling down her red (totally smashed) face. "HAHAHA...Imagine Angel without a face! Hahaha! Gio ate it!" Klemey bent over with laughter and fell onto the floor of the limo. Angel just pulled her hand off of Gio and flipped her off, still managing to kiss him. Rai just pulled out a bottle of champagne and opened it. POP! Klemey immediately sat up and grabbed the glasses. "Yeah!" Klemey smiled as she watched Rai fill the two glasses. She put the bottle down and extended her hand for her glass. "Ummm...These are for me.." Klemey gulped BOTH glasses down and went for the bottle. "Ah, no!" Rai smacked her hand off the bottle and stashed it back into the cooler. "Klemey, what is wrong with you?" Klemey just crossed her arms, pissed she didn't get the bottle. "Klemey what's wrong with you?" She mocked Rai, cocking her head left than right. "You need to stop drinking so much..." "You nee...to stop drinking..."Klemey just mocked her again. "That's really childish..." Rai gritted her teeth. "That's reall..childis..." Klemey threw her head back and laughed, her words were slurring together. "AHAHAHA, blue monkeys!" Rai shook her head, Klemey was way to gone to understand anything tonight.

...To Be Continued...

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