Saturday, June 12, 2010

Sorry About That...(107/100).

Hey Rai and Angel...Sorry I didn't find you after I got off work today. See I tried calling my parents before I got off to tell them that we wanted to go to a movie, but they didn't answer so I left a message hoping they'd hear it...BUT they didn't so they were waiting outside of the theater when I got off...I didn't want my dad getting mad so I didn't ask to run back in and call you, Rai. And we're at my Gramps now and he doesn't have a phone here so I couldn't call you here either...I'm sorry. Hope you're not mad at me.

So Rai...Goodness, I think that if you wanna study something other than accounting DO IT! I mean even if your mom doesn't approve, it's not her who's going to be sitting in a cubical everyday going through ledgers or traveling through Africa meeting new and different people. It's gonna be you! So do what will make you happy.

P.S. I don't like Scarlette Johanson. Ew. (Only 'cuz she's married to Ryan Reynolds).

And again who is (AT)???? You have mentioned him like twice and I don't know who you are talking about. I gotta call you! Is it okay if I call around 10 or 11? Or is that too late? I'll try anyway...(Wanna know about the drunk dude on the bus!).

Angel, you should post a new post. Everytime I respond to posts I am almost always writing to Rai. I wanna have something to respond to from you too.

Work today was GA-RATE! I loved it. Conessions wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. At the end my money matched what the register said it should be! So I had done everything perfectly! Yay! That made me super happy. :)

I just love all the people we meet! There was this dude who was ordering a soda and he asked for Hi-C...And I only had Fruit Punch and Orange at my station so I asked him which one he wanted and he told me just to pick one...I was like 'Are you suuuuure?' and he smiled and said yes...So I poured him Orange. While I was pouring he was like 'So which one did you pick?' and I gave him a sorta devious look and was like 'You'll see.' He laughed and said, 'I like that...'. I just that was one of my highlights of my day.

Highlight #2: This really hot guy was working the register next to me! He was just delicious looking! (Hey do you guys ever wonder why people tend to describe other they find attractive with culinary terms?). Anyway...I got my register assigned to me and a little after he got his assigned next to me, he turned to me and was like, 'So I haven't seen you around here before...' Then there was this one time today when I was getting popcorn for somebody and he accidently knudged me...When he turned to say sorry he kinda ran his hand down my arm...Ah, I loved it!

Rai, Sweetheart was working today! He helped me sell hot dogs to an employee.

On Monday I'ma take my mom and siblings to see Killers. Ashton K. is so cute.

Well, I'ma go now...I'll post some more after I eat or whatever!



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