Monday, December 28, 2009

excuse me?

NO you didn't klemey. You DID NOT just take a jab at Chris Brown.
if you can't accept my husband the way he is, then this "friendship" is over.
anyways, i REALLY liked the Morgans! =] It totally made me happy and made me laugh a few times lol

remember "B4! Like before! B dash 4 and after!" LOL gosh that cracks me up!

I am really sorry you didn't get to hang with us today..we had QUITE an adventure. We were deciding what to do next and Angel grabbed this little book called "Live a beautiful life" or something like that and we just randomly flipped to pages and one said "exercise" and Angel was lik NO. and then the next page said "Finish what you started." and i told Angel that that meant we needed to keep walking towards downtown since that was the way we STARTED to walk lol but that was a no-go. Then we just decided to get ice cream...and we saw my cousins "gf" [who cussed my aunt out..yeah the aunalisa girl] with some other guy...and they kept looking at me and i was thinking in my head "That's right, I'm gonna tell everyone i saw you with some random guy while my aunt is watching your baby." and then we went back to walmart...had a DEEP discussion about kinda went like this..

Angel- We're going to prom.
Rai- No i'm not.
Angel- Yes you are. what if half my christmas present was a prom dress that i bought for 100 dollars? You can't refuse it.
Rai- First of all, that would be a crappy dress, a nice one is lik 300 bucks and second of all Im not going.
Angel- Im really good at lying to my parents, I can help you.
Rai- Im not lying to my parents cuz I'm not going.
Angel- Just bring up the subject with your parents.
Rai- Why? I'm not going.

lol so wasnt EXACTLY like that...but pretty much! lol part of the discussion went lik this..

Angel- [gets up off bench leaves stuff behind]
Rai- Where are you going?
Angel- [heads over to Miley Cyrus's collection at walmart] I'm going to buy you your prom dress.
Rai- {laughs} [inside thinks this is a very cruel thing of Angel to say]
People walk by and look at us like we're crazy... had to be there LOL

I heard the music you left on my voicemail..i could get down and funky to that! lol
I need to buy some GOLD....or SOMETHING lol

I thought we were gonna go shopping sometime...anyways i aint got no money....i aint got no car to take you on a date....i can't even buy you flowers..but it don't matter cuz we'd be the perfect to me girl. LoL!

..i started reading Nick and Norah....i have NEVER seen the f-word used SO many times on one page. lol but its funny so far hehehh but i'm glad you had fun todayyyy =]

I think its really funny how people usually use blogs to write down their feelings about stuff or how their Julia Child recipe adventure is going...and we use it to comunicate. We should win an award for being so gosh darn clever. I mean seriously...emails take a long time to log into and read and reply and then log out. But with the blog, you just..log reply...and log out........................................ok...its kinda lik email...but its way cooler. BUT if you DON'T want to reply all you have to do is go to the site and then BINGO! lol

Paul: "Why are you so excited?!"
Meryl: "We just won 15 dollars! That's 3 sweaters!!"

Don't be afraid to comment on our posts, vote on our polls, and tell us how you feel. Let us know if we babble on too much, or don't give enough information...We want to hear from YOU. Our audience. You mean EVERYTHING to us. We only do this for YOU.

Ok cut the bull.
We don't have a frikkin audience. but who needs one!?

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