Friday, July 23, 2010

It Is Official.

I am done with Burrito.

I am totally done with obsessively thinking about him, writing about him, analyzing him...Wondering about him, daydreaming about him.

And being in a really deep like with him.

I need to focus on the here and now.

I need to cherish the time I have left with Glee Boy. Tonight has reminded me of how much I do like him. We just need to spend more time actually together.

Besides just Glee Boy, I have other things to work on. My weight, driving, school starting, Chuppa and his dealio, reading all the books I have from Rai...My college essays....I have countless things to do.

All this is more important than a boy who doesn't even have a single thought about me running through his brain. Plus, I really like Book Worm. If they are together I don't need to be freaking out over him when he is hers.

So from here on out I will not make any kind of fuss over anything Burrito does.

If he doesn't talk to me. Fine.

If he doesn't look at me. Fine.

If he has a deep conversation with Rai, instead of me. Fine.

Even if he doesn't acknowledge the simple fact of my existence. Fine by me.

I need to get up off the floor, dust myself off, and walk outta this hellish Taco Bell.

Oh, and I from here on out swear off eating any food from that devil's hell hole.

Don't ask what brought this on, and please don't doubt me...Or tell me yeah right, just believe me please. I am done with him. I am officially banning him from our blog.

Well, I mean you guys can talk about him, but no more me liking him talk.

That's all I wanted to say.




1 comment:

  1. I'm just going to pretend that says something along the lines of...You can do this Klemey, I support you! Go, go, go! Taco Bell sucks anyways... -[Klemey]
