Monday, August 2, 2010

I will learn to love again......

I think rai you right...we may be matter how muchw e dont want it happen...its life...the only problem is that we don't fight for it...this can all be invetable
as long as we try our best to stay in touch.
nothing comes fight and fight for what matters

1. If you were given a round-trip ticket to anyplace in the world, where would you go?
London or Paris

2. Do you currently have any plans for Graduation night or the day after or the day after that?
Umm party with the family on that day basically....which ur invited but if u can't come its understandable:)

3. What are 5 things that you think of when you think of me (Rai)? =]
How she can be:
the most undeerstanding person ever
loving to be people who need it or dont deserve it
this amazing friend who puts up with alot in her life and stay strong
there are no perfect words to describe this person and fit it all into 5 things but that she will always be there when u need her

4. If I gave you a "special" book, would you read it cover to cover and keep it for the rest of your life?

5. What was your favorite movie that we have all seen together in theaters (all about steve, new moon, eclipse, whip it)
new moon?


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