Sunday, August 1, 2010


Here is Operation: Burrito

First of all, we ditch our real names and blog names. From here on out, I am Evelyn Salt and you are Agent 99.
Alright. Here we go.
So I was thinking that you first need to get into a conversation that will make him see you are interested in things he's interested in. That's how you reel him in. (Remember, you find him interesting for a him that by asking questions.)
For example: Ask him if he heard about the report on CNN about the bees in Africa (not an actual topic), or what he honestly thinks of Judism (first religion that came to mind besides mine and Buddism. Remember,he told me he LOVES religion) or what he thinks about 'finding ones soul'.
Step One: Conversation Topic
Warning Number 1: When people speak about religion, tensions usually rise. Just keep an eye out for possible fight/debate starters.
Next, if the conversation goes well, ask him to go someplace with you. So ask him to go to a movie with you (since you're mostly likely going to be there already), ask him to meet you at Taco Bell one day, or ask to attend a social rally with him (make sure it's something he may be interested in).
Step Two: Getting Together
Warning Number 2: Do not suggest to go somewhere without having a ride. Asking him for a ride to the place you suggest may seem like you're using him. (Which of course, we know you're not, but he may not know that.) But if he offers you a ride, say "Sure".

Now, after you've had a decent conversation and he's agreed to go somewhere with you, and you've had a great time, he will most likely take charge from here.
These are my ideas of how to get him to notice you more and see that you are an interesting and funny human being who shouldn't be unknown in this world.


Now as for the love post you had earlier...I'm so glad you are taking charge with the Glee Boy thing. And you just THINK you aren't good at relationships, but you are Klemey (99 when speaking about Operations). You call people back, you invite them places, you talk about them nonstop. It's the guys you've dated..they don't call you back, take you on real dates, or make you feel uber special.
Like I've said before, you need a MAN. Not a boy. Men know what they are doing. Like VP for example. He may be older and more experienced but that just means he'll know what he's doing and know how to treat a young woman. He COULD have expectations from you, but he'd be man enough to talk to you about it first. I'm POSITIVE. (Please note, that I myself have never been in a relationship, but I can tell by the way he carries himself that he would treat you well Klemey) It's kinda like in the Notebook, when he said that one woman helped him realize what women want and need. We WANT to be loved, and NEED to be called back.
It's've been dating Justin Bieber...what you need is..Zac Efron or Sean Farris..not necessarily Matthew Gubler or Mark Wahlberg YET. Those are manly men, you just need MEN! =]
freaking call Anna back!
I hope you do well on your permit test tomorrow!!
How was your day today?

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