So lalalalala...Amy is sitting too close to me, making me really hot...Gramps' house is too freaking hot. I feel as if my throat is closing up, my eyes have dried into raisins, and that my face is slowly melting into Klemey-ish butter like material. Save me! Get me some where cool...Throw me into ice water. Dump gallons of Idaho lake water on me...Save me from this torture.
So today was a lazy day. Everyday for like the past two/three weeks have been lazy days. I wonder if this is how it would've been if I didn't get that job this summer. Would I have been doing nothing all summer? Being bored? I know for a fact I probably wouldn't have seen about half of the movies I have seen. And that I definitely wouldn't have eaten as much McDonald's as I have.
I calculated it and I've only worked like 8 hours this past week. That's only about 8 x 7 = 56 dollars. If this keeps up, I will not be able to save $240 every month for California...Hell I'll be lucky if I can save half of that every month...
I mean it would be all good if they quit sending me home early and let me work a whole shift of 5 freaking hours but I don't see that happening...Damn this!
Mom and pops say time for me to find another job.
But I keep thinking of how much I liked working there, I still do...When I'm not being sent home early. And the people, I love everyone who works there...
I just need school to get my mind off the fact that my job now sucks, and that I have nothing to do...
Which reminds me I have to talk to my dad tonight about dropping classes seeing as we get registered tomorrow.
No more science for me! :)
Screw Chemistry! Woot! Woot!
Plus, I can't quit...I love the free movies, and we still have to launch Operation: SweetHeart...And Operation: Burrito...Well, that's if Rai ever tells me what the plan is for that one...
It's still freaking hot in here.
Where's that lake water? I ask.
In Idaho. You respond.
Hmmm, maybe I'll go on FaceBook.
Or write my annual end of summer MySpace blog post.
Who knows...Maybe I'll just die. From dehydration or heat stroke.
Well, if I quit responding to your posts, texts, calls, so on...Then you know.
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