Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Part One: Boy, Oh, Boy.

So today was good.
Interesting in many ways.

Yes, I saw SweetHeart.
Yes, we talked.
Yes, I saw Burrito.
Yes, we talked.

Well, I'll get right into it.
Rai, I know you wanna hear about him...
I'll break it into 2 parts.

Part One:

So I was Door person.
And around maybe 7...I
I think.
All of a sudden he was there...
At Guest Service.
I remembered he said he was off today,
but he was all dressed up like

(SideNote: He was wearing purple!)

He walked over to me as if he was gonna leave the back way.
Right as he passed a group of people were leaving.
So he didn't really have time to talk.
But he managed to tell me he was going to pick up his new...

Immediately, I was like 'Bub-Bye! Junker!'
Then his King-Tut plate popped in my head.

After he said that I was like 'Oh, cool...'
Then he told me it was a 2010.

That's it for Part One.

Part Two:

Later around 10:30 he came back.
And by then NoFo had taken over for me and
I was just sweeping the lobby.
He was at Guest Service again.
So I made my way over toward NoFo,
to linger, hoping he'd stop to talk.
And he did.

He came up to us...So did Mr. Hansen,
who was seeing a movie with a friend.
Mr. Hansen thankfully was taking up NoFo's attention.
So I asked S.H. if he got his car...
He told me no and something about paperwork.
I said, 'Oh...' and made a sad face.

By now he had walked to the other side of the barrier,
so I was facing Concessions to see him.

Since we had been talking about his car,
I asked him...
'What about your plates?'

(as I said that in my mind I went 'Sh*t!
That was something Rai was suppose to ask!')

And said he was gonna keep'em.
Then I asked,
'What's up with KingTut anyway?'
And the story of his mysterious nickname unfolded.

Turns out he use to work for his cousin,
or uncle...
Something like that.
And I guess he use to run his business for him so well
that his cousin thought
he was acting like a king.
And King Tut was the only actual king
they could think of...

Then he told me about how his 1st email was KingTut...
And how his mom helped him make it.

Haha, I told him my 1st email was just my name and middle/last name initials...
He told me his email now was like that too.

And then he said to me something like...

(This is the part I don't think you'll like Rai...I'll try to remember the whole convo.)

'Whenever, I hear that song I think of you...'

I was like, 'Yeah, me too!' I bit my tongue when
I almost mentioned Billionaire.

To make the rest of our convo. easier
I'm just gonna write it out as best as I remember
and color code it...

(Green-Klemey, Purple-SweetHeart)

'Yeah, see I made this play-list for summer songs...I make play-lists for everything, all the time...'
(felt like a dork for telling him about my play-lists)
'Yeah, I make them too.'
'...and I put that song on there and it really annoys my sister
when I blare it,
cuz I'm always singing to it...'

He said something else,
and we would've keep talking
but right then NoFo butted in.
And said something about me sweeping.

I just nodded and said bye.

And that was it...


He didn't leave...
Haha, he was upstairs with
you know it

what they were doing...
But I heard someone ask if SweetHeart was still in the building
on the radio and
Bones responded with a yes.

Then they asked if SweetHeart wanted to buy the leftover hot dogs (2).
He said no.

Haha, and then to end Part One of my post...
Right around 11:20
I was behind Concession helping them
by wiping the counters...
And him and Bones came outta the elevator.
They were walking to the games.
Outta the corner of me eye I saw SweetHeart jump over
the barrier rope thingys
and his foot caught a little
so he kinda stumbled...

I felt weird cuz he totally looked up and saw that I saw.

Then they went to the claw game.
And that was the last I saw of him.

Part One complete.

Part Two to include Burrito, Pointer, Bones, Mr. Inception...
And plenty more...



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