Thursday, July 1, 2010


Ok so my mom bought a book yesterday called the SOUTH BEACH DIET and i was like ok those things are whack
well anyways yesterday she says she's starting tommorw and my dads joinging in and my little brother is just excersing with us not eating what were eating anywhosers i
was in my bed and my lil bro came in and tapped me ont he shoulder and all i was thinking in
my head was go away then few minutes later my mommy comes and says gettt upp come on get uppp and she didnt yell but was like lets do this i couldnt say no.. so we went to the track and i ran my mile(walked my last one a lil)and then i walked moree...pheww....i saw my daddy run whihc was wierdddd.....and after i took a showwer i called rai to help me and cheer me on drinking the vegtable cocktail and its wasnt bad as thought but it wasnt necearaliy good.....
and i had a quiche with all veggeis...wasnt bad either but not good either.....

well the first wo weeks we are not gonna have CARBS im like wtf i cant do this carbs are my LIFE wat am i gonna do noo frutis or stuff ..the books says its like were restarting the body and teaching it how to eat....its detoxing our body and idk if i will french toast..popcron...chips....hamburgers.........but its a change its worth it...............



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